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Rye – I agree. There aren’t too many examples of a pack team thriving in similar situations.

Going back to our last “great” season…we went 5-3 after starting 4-0 in the ACC. If memory serves correct – that year we had at home Wake, Georgia Tech, FSU and Duke @ home. UNC-CH, UVA, Umd and Clemson on the road.

The Clemson game was a Thursday night game and pretty intense.

We started out 4-0 vs Wake, Duke, Unc-ch and Clemson. To be fair, there wasn’t anything really similar to Pitt that year. Both UMd and UVa were solid and the atmosphere both games was definitely above that of Saturday’s game.

We will face a similar environment in Boston in a few weeks, hopefully with the same result.

Very glad we have a bye this week as we get ready to what I believe constitutes the 2 biggest consecutive games in our football history since 2003 we went to Tally with a 4-2 ACC record and controlling our own destiny for the ACC title with just 2 games remaining. We failed in 2003, like we failed in 2002 and so many years before when greatness was within our grasp. However, I have come to believe that the pain of last year and to a certain extent the bitter frustration of our first game this year has served us well.