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OK, Everyone meet at the Belltower at 10:00. Tactical weapons will be issued. Have arranged a convoy of Humvees (Painted RED with white camo). We will descend on Yow’s Cary residence and then “take care of matters” of as Elvis said TCOB…

There are 83 of so folks that have “voiced” their opinions on the Coach thread. Would like to know HOW many are paying WPC dues….how many are paying LTR payments (and higher WPC dues) and how many are supporting capital projects (IPF, Reynolds, etc.).

In case no one got the memo, Mr. Dail is DEAD….he passed away. Mr. Murphy is STILL writing checks. For the record, I calculated what I have paid the WPC over the years….and NOT included the TICKETS….just dues, LTR’s and contributions. That is about 10 TIMES what my TOTAL NCSU Education cost my parents. And I can tell you that I barely hold on to my 1000 or Arena East Parking Pass for Football games. I would have to write a mid to high FIVE figure check just to get INTO the Motor Home Lot and then follow that up with a high 4 or low 5 figure check EACH YEAR just to STAY in there. Same deal if I wanted to move out of the Champions Club down into a nice seat in the BOWL.

Folks that write checks and/or donate a LOT of their PERSONAL time to the WPC and NCSU will have influence. They are sometimes critical of Yow, but for the most part, respect her. They DO offer “suggestions”…and said suggestions, when accompanied by checks that have a few MORE zeros than mine….get listened to.

They were ALSO fed up with Gottfried’s OFF COURT issues. Now…GOTT DID go to the NCAA for 4 years. BUT, then it went downhill. Yow has cut some coaches that had the SAME issues…

One comment was about the PC hire. I think that was a VEILED comment about the ethnicity of Kevin. I WILL remind folks that Lowe was of the SAME race. I also had MANY UNC folks ask me HOW I felt about Lowe being of the race he was and coaching NCSU. GIVE ME A BREAK. We had NOTHING to prove (how if it turns out he is LBGTQX…then obviously it was an affront to the NCGA for HB2).

Final….If you REALLY want to read about HOW Mikey was almost fired and what V went through….and some real insight into Dean….Read John Feinstein’s The Legends Club. It is a GREAT read….and it is based on FACTS…with a LOT of warts that you do not ordinarily see in a book. It WAS approved by Pam and Mrs. Smith and Mikey….all cooperated with it. Feinstein had interviewed them many times over the years and kept all his notes and also talked to a LOT of friends, associates, reporters, administrators, etc. Read it before you start spouting off about Mikey’s records and such.

YES…we are STILL Cheap. Cheap as Charlie Bryant that chased off Norm and hired Jimmy V?. Not quite. If you want a ORW, then start writing them checks….ORW is way higher…as is a LOT of coaches.

AND, the BUYOUT ($760K X 3 years) did NOT impact our ability to pay…

Face it….we are NOT the NCSU of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and early 80’s. The UNC BOG and the NCSU BOT and Dr. Monteith and Claude Sitton and Todd Turner effectively emasculated us in about 18 months….Want to cast some blame….READ and UNDERSTAND…