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CD, McCallum, etc.

Since WufPacker used a Slave Joke with a Thomas Jefferson punchline in the UVA thread….would it be OK to say that it is a Good Thing that Mark Gottfried works for Debbie Yow rather than North Korea’s Kim Jong-un….in veiw of the way he handles performance issues with his trusty Anti-Aircraft Gun?


Never figured you for being a snowflake….but the MLK thingy did seem to strike an unintended nerve…

It IS NOW time for the pain pill….but I retire much more relaxed after the recent flurry….

But FIRST….wonder if Mikey was pulling for UNC so that he would not have to face a team with a “not so good” loss? You just don’t count out Tony Bennett…and ORW will be full of Dad Gum Its and other folksy, perhaps more graphic, utterances….

So much for today’s poll rankings….

It IS gonna be interesting to see if Word Press can be totally sanitized from any political or current events humor…