Reply To: Your “something something Thomas Jefferson something something” UVa Open Thread

Home Forums All StateFansNation Your “something something Thomas Jefferson something something” UVa Open Thread Reply To: Your “something something Thomas Jefferson something something” UVa Open Thread


When I saw “Tom Jefferson”, I KNEW that there was a “Slave and Relations” punchline. I was reminded that we have historians and media that can totally trace and follow DNA and know exactly WHOM and WHERE every one of TJ’s little “OPPS” are and how that impacted him and what it also did to his psyche regarding “relations between different ethnic species”. Yet these same learned individuals and media can’t even find critical data on certain candidates in today’s digital society.

Does make you wonder about the intelligence of the talking heads and the folks with “trusted sources” and their opinions.

Hope that the burst of energy against GT will be rekindled against UVA. Also hope that we (and I am GOING….despite some physical discomfort due to my recent procedure) the fans let BJ know how much he means to us and how we have appreciated his “Spirit of the Pack” influence.

As to the SEARCH, IF we can survive for about 10 or so days longer….and the conference matches are completed, then there will be plenty of coaches that “are not going in the same direction as their programs will be”.

THEN we will not be the ONLY game in town and some of the idiotic remarks SHOULD cease. BUT you never know…

If you missed ORW’s comments about “Mushrooms” yesterday….bear in mind that he was referring to the PRESS (MEDIA) as the “CRAP” that was thrown on the Mushrooms….you gotta love ORW. The man without a clue…but does know BB….

We will miss him when he is retired….