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I’m thinking….

that the four week head start just might work to our advantage…

yeah… we have our list of guys we want…
but everybody else is watching…

who’s to say there ain’t 3-4 really good, off the radar Coaches out there who are thinking to themselves…
hmmm… “NCState, I could do something there…” and who as the “opportunity” sinks in won’t use the back channels to express their interest…

I know if I was sitting in the Big Chair, I would take the time to sit back and see who’s calling me… and not singularly focused on whom I’m calling…

But then, I’m not sitting in the Big Chair… this time….

I’m convinced that our biggest selling point is the pending Retirement of the four Dinosaurs…
Jim, Roy, Mike && Jim…

That point simply cannot be understated in any serious conversations about the future.

#NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!