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My POINT is that we have not really put together an A game. Case in Point. DUKE. We allowed something like 20 (+/-) uncontested shots. Duke was NOT hitting. If they had been, then the results would have been different. The above info and supporting comments were made by the sports writers after the game. MAYBE they were cowtowing to Mikey in that Capel was not up to the task. Bottom LINE….we were lucky to beat Duke and it was more that Duke allowed themselves to be beat.

Second POINT….the OMG, we got a WIN game. We were up something like 13 points with less than 4 or so minutes to go. We allowed that lead to totally slip away. We were lucky that the Vandy Play did not sink us.

I have NOT issues with the team. We have a major amount of talent (look at the poop sheets on our four senior ladies versus our starting 5). These kids are playing like a street league. There is no consistency in our offense and where is (Bobby Lutz took it) our defense.

They HAVE shown us what they could do….maybe once or twice for a fleeting moment in several games. BUT, that was almost like the powerball drawing numbers. We just randomly did things and looked great.

In all fairness, we have had some pretty good games against mediocre teams….but we were NOT well coached (or maybe the kids are really bad athletes and overrated). I put that totally on the coaching staff. MOST of the time, we are hustling….we DID give totally up against UNC and WFU.

There have been several sort of “off the cuff” remarks by coaches about the great talent we have. Do you think that the WFU guy who boasted…”They will fold if we go after them….” got that thought by his lonesome. That came directly from DM or perhaps one of his assistants who was in charge of defense.

WHO is supposed to be in charge of Defense? Lutz had that title. Coach G was allowed a mulligan and fired Lutz…after they broke out into a shouting match a few times in practice. THEN, he hired mostly great recruiters….and THAT is why DY pulled the pin on him.

I will still be there tomorrow, assuming that I have recovered from a medical procedure earlier in the week and cheer them on. I was still yelling for them at every game. When we got down 30 or 40, I probably, like a LOT of fans, started to be realistic in my critique.

If the team has NO chemistry….If the team has NO respect for the HC…..If the team is NOT disciplined…..if the team is NOT properly prepared or coached on defense….If the Scout Squad is not properly coached on the other team’s offense…..a LOT of IF’s there….and a lot of NOT’s.

I am not yelling at the clouds….are you still reaching for the clouds and keeping your feet on the ground.

We need a coaching change. We also need a “team” philosophy change. Dennis Smith has been fun to watch…but he seems to be “winging it”. He wants to distribute….but when no one is hitting or no one is playing D, then he tends to be a little selfish.

He could have been a real star this year with the talent that we have had he been properly coached. I feel sorry for him that our coaches deprived him of a better year….and I want him to show what he has in the pros…

SHEESH…..time for another pain pill..