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I’m also of the “where is all the verified” chatter coming from, except the talking heads that probably a smidge more than we do. I am NOT a ARCHIE or BUST person….but that does NOT mean I am against him and I would, I think, be very happy if he was offered and accepted. Unless his wife or dad starts to make some “casual” remarks or tweets, then all the speculation is just the fact that the sports writers and bloggers and such have to have something to write about. Since there are only (memory) TWO confirmed “going in a different direction”, then the coaching caravan discussions are really hypothetical….and about as reliable as the polls were on November 7, 2016.

We DID get some insight from Jon Miller the LAST time. We had some insight as to WHOM was in contention….but only AFTER we had announced our new coach. THEN we speculated about who and why and what happened….ad neauasm. I also believe that Debbie will plug the leaks like Nixon’s Plumbers….as she has already been burned by Mark Armstrong and she is obviously NOT a happy camper. IF we get premature leaks, I think they will be “Planned” so that there is not the “HOWL” that there was the last time.

Right, Wrong or indifferent (as to the quality of the choice), she handled the TOB replacement totally different from Lowe’s replacement. NOW…if someone has some insight into the folks on the selection committee and whose plane(s) we will be using….then I could hang a little credibility on that.

It will be at least a MONTH before any REAL action takes place….I WOULD hope that our candidates are sweet 16 bound….so as ORW once quipped….”I don’t give a $h_t about Carolina right now….”. THAT is what they SHOULD be doing. IF any of them are of a mind to “consider” a change, then their agents will be talking and all of that, assumingly, will be done with the strictest of confidence.

I’m really more interested in the UVA game tomorrow and how BJ is treated. He is much too much of a gentlemen to smash his jersey frame over someone’s head as a protest….but it will be fascinating to see the expressions. I HOPE that we have a good crowd tomorrow for BJ. UVA will be tough as Bennett has had a long break and he is NOT going to let his recent losses last. We will need our A game (and we have yet to play it this year) to beat them. IT CAN BE DONE….if they can’t hit diddle and we are “ON”. As Wes Moore said last night….when you take shots and they go in, that covers up a whole lot of sins for the rest of your game. Our ladies were really sharp last night. What a pleasure to watch. They have a LOT less talent, comparatively, than the Men do and they are poised for a double BYE…