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I think we have more of a “B”/2nd tier list than in the past searches, actually. If you consider Marshall/Arch as the “A”, then the “B” would be Holtmann at Butler and a host of successful current high major coaches who have at least been rumored to have interest or be looking for a move: Cronin, Enfield, Drew, Cuonzo Martin. You could throw in Crean if it suits you. I doubt all or even most of those guys actually would move, but they are basically on par with the Turgeon types of last time; they are non-crazy possibilities and we’d only need one to hit.

The more I read on Holtmann, in particular, the more I see him as an “A” type on par with Marshall/Miller. His record at Butler, in a much tougher conference than what Brad Stevens was dealing with, is outstanding.

Then at the so-called “B-” level, Wade has all the hallmarks of a future stud. The kind of guy who we look back on 5 years from now and ask, “why the hell didn’t we hire him?”

Keatts seems more risky/unknown for a number of reasons. He should be the absolute floor candidate.

Of course, in our last two searches we smashed through the floorboards and pulled out a coach from somewhere near the water table.