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MrPlywood wrote:

I’m tired of “making the tournament” being the bellwether of a good season.

Absolutely, it is completely lazy metric to berate a fan base with. In my opinion the metric is easy:
NC State should be competitive every night against any team in the country! If MG had done that he would not be going anywhere. LR was light years from it (not even in swinging the bat territory), HS couldn’t do it (he went to the tournament some, but could not coach a team that was competitive everynight), SL couldn’t do it, and now MG has certainly shown he’s not capable of it.

Until someone is hired that can coach a squad to be comptetive every night regardless of the opponent we must be patient and keep hiring. It is after all the basis of why you play the game. It was why V was successful at NC State.

This metric does not put any requirement on championships. I believe if it is met those will eventually come.