Reply To: Your “Where’s Gen. Wm Tecumseh Sherman When You Need Him?” at GT Open Thread

Home Forums All StateFansNation Your “Where’s Gen. Wm Tecumseh Sherman When You Need Him?” at GT Open Thread Reply To: Your “Where’s Gen. Wm Tecumseh Sherman When You Need Him?” at GT Open Thread


Also, I was at that Florida game…I saw that guy hit the shot from the ACC logo

There any number of last second shots made such as the Florida game. Reminder, the shooter had time to get a shot off after catching the ball. That shot would have won the game last night. You are making my point for me citing 3-point shots that were made after an in-bounds play.

The shot taken after the made free throw last night was from the 3-point line — a shot that bounced off the rim.

My point and only point is that there would not have been time to rebound a missed free throw, pass to any open man and get a shot off in the 2.7 seconds remaining. With the made shot, there was time to get a decent 3-point shot off which they almost made.