Reply To: Your “Where’s Gen. Wm Tecumseh Sherman When You Need Him?” at GT Open Thread

Home Forums All StateFansNation Your “Where’s Gen. Wm Tecumseh Sherman When You Need Him?” at GT Open Thread Reply To: Your “Where’s Gen. Wm Tecumseh Sherman When You Need Him?” at GT Open Thread


Was at the game, and Packlanta half-filled a fairly large bar for the pregame a few blocks away. Great night.

The good: We hit shots – Henderson was really good. We rebounded – first time since the Todd Fuller administration, I reckon.
The bad: They still drove around us to the basket like a Porsche swerving around pylons. And we really don’t seem to run a discernible offense much of the time – pass around the perimeter and play hero ball at the end.

But a win is a win. Particularly when you get to watch it in person.

Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy. Mao Zedong