Reply To: Jay Bilas Slams State

Home Forums StateFans Basketball Jay Bilas Slams State Reply To: Jay Bilas Slams State


Guys like Bilas and the Cheats sympathizers are scared to death of what’s gonna happen when their golden-boy HOF coaches retire. We’ve already seen a glimpse of it with Matt D in Cheat-land, and they’re damn lucky that ole Roy bailed them out. Then there are the times at Dookie-ville when Coach K’s back went out, and his fill-ins were less than stellar, and I’m being kind with that assessment. So of course they’re gonna trash us at every turn in hopes of keeping us down and less relevant than them. I have a feeling their days are numbered, and they know it.

I think there is a point in the D’oh! situation that reveals more than you would think about the goings on at unc.

Please recall D’oh! was their 5-6 th pick. At we printed Just Say No shirts that had a list of the people that turned down the job. They were rejected by several coaches that probably had a good understanding of the academic situation and what you would be governing over. They also realized what would happen if you slipped. Roy simply kicked the cheating into high gear, makes life easier.

Respect comes with performance and winning, both of those items earn you a reputation. When you walk on the field, court or in a meeting with a reputation it is worth “two divisions’ in the words of Napoleon.

Problem for State is their reputation is in line with a town drunk caught screwing goats behind the old elementary school.
