Lacey’s 3-Pointer Buzzer Beater beats Georgia Tech in OT

Note: Picture from NC State Athletics.

Trevor Lacey’s 3-pointer at the buzzer in overtime gave NC State a season-saving win today 81-80 over Georgia Tech. The Wolfpack jumped out to a 17-3 lead and it felt like the game would be a no doubter. However, much like the games against Florida State and Notre Dame, the first half dominance (40-31 halftime lead) lead to second half troubles as the offense struggled to produce points. Georgia Tech did not shoot that well, but dominated the boards (both offensively and defensively) and surged to take the lead. State was down by 5 around the two minute mark in regulation but scrapped and clawed to get the game to overtime.

In OT, State again fell behind and were down 76-72 and prospects were not looking good. But again, they clawed back. Down two with 4 seconds left, the Yellow Jackets missed two free throws. Cody Martin grabbed the rebound and passed it in the middle of the court to Lacey. In a scary reminder of the Wofford game, Lacey drove down the middle of the court and put up a 25 footer. Again, nothing but net. This time, it was a no doubter in terms of the clock. Good! State wins!

Cat Barber easily had his best game of the season. He had 23 points and 7 assists. He was very confident in his shot and it showed. Wolfpack Nation hopes that continues for the rest of the season. Lacey added 19 and Kyle Washington had a solid 14 points.

About ruffles31

1996 NC State graduate who is still waiting on his first ACC conference championship in any of the four main revenue sports (football, men's basketball, women's basketball, and baseball) since enrolling. All I want is a ACC Champions t-shirt.

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    Nobody mentioned that we dropped off some NC State SH_T in Atlanta… Maybe this team has learned something about how it can go both ways. Hard for me to believe all the criticism of Gott and the team. Pretty young IMHO and learning how to gell.



    Nobody mentioned that we dropped off some NC State SH_T in Atlanta… Maybe this team has learned something about how it can go both ways. Hard for me to believe all the criticism of Gott and the team. Pretty young IMHO and learning how to gell.

    we are 3/4’s through the season, if they aint gelled yet it aint happening. The young excuse is perpetual and exhausting.


    There is no such thing as a bad conference road win.

    Gott is a good coach – I don’t think he’s top tier but he’s pretty good. The big question is if he can move the program from perennial bubble to the 4-7 seed range (or better.)

    While the problems we so do repeat themselves – and are well established over a long coaching career – he has unquestionably moved the program forward and he deserves a shot to take it to the next level.


    The big question is if he can move the program from perennial bubble to the 4-7 seed range (or better.)

    I think Gottfried’s focus on high efficiency offense translates well to tournament play. If we can start getting into Top 7 seed range I’d be ecstatic.

    His scheduling philosophy is second-to-none. A focus on getting into the tournament … That said, being on the cut line every single season is a hard way to live hahaha.


    We are not really any younger than anybody else but yet we keep hearing it. Age ain’t the issue here if it were there would be a $hit ton of teams in our shoes. Our shoes are the same season every year for 4 years (Groundhog Day) with better recruiting. Bubble team, bubble team, bubble team!

    Has Gott been good for our program? YES!

    However, we are wildly inconsistent and our offense is beyond Horrid. We have ONE play.. That’s it. Base line screen to Turner over and over again!!!

    I don’t see much coaching skills or improvement over the last 2 years in particular. If we have more people transfer out after the season there are issues.


    There is no such thing as a bad conference road win.

    Gott is a good coach – I don’t think he’s top tier but he’s pretty good. The big question is if he can move the program from perennial bubble to the 4-7 seed range (or better.)

    While the problems we so do repeat themselves – and are well established over a long coaching career – he has unquestionably moved the program forward and he deserves a shot to take it to the next level.

    He has to do it next year, or trouble is brewing (objectively).

    I expected this team to be significantly better than it is, as someone who likes MG (subjectively).


    Agree w/Backthepack. Forget youth. That excuse ran its course five or more years ago. I don’t think Kentucky is suffering much from youth…and every other program that deals with one and done. Our problems are systemic.


    Agree w/Backthepack. Forget youth. That excuse ran its course five or more years ago. I don’t think Kentucky is suffering much from youth…and every other program that deals with one and done. Our problems are systemic.

    Are you seriously comparing our youth to Kentucky’s youth? That’s as misguided as trying to compare every struggling coach to K.

    Out of the top 10 guys getting minutes for them, only three of them were not ranked in the top 10 OVERALL. Several were #1 or #2 at their position. None of them are lower than top 40, and of the three that aren’t top 10, two are top 20 and the other is Will C-S.

    Comparing us to Kentucky is like comparing apples to hand grenades.


    I expected this team to be significantly better than it is, as someone who likes MG (subjectively).


    Last year, State was a one-man team and the MAN went to the NBA. If this year had turned into a dumpster fire, I wouldn’t have been surprised. But Lacey turned out to be as good as advertised (if not better) and the three freshmen are all contributing.

    Of course, the magical and eye-popping improvement of the returning players that was forecast by some has not really materialized. But since these predictions come twice a year, every year and rarely come to pass; I’m not surprised.


    The player development is there for some, not for others. Not sure if it is just lack of coaching/motivation, or the players just not being up to snuff.

    Lacey saves the day, and maybe the season. If we lose that game, it’s over. We have new life, a second chance. Will we take advantage of it? Or are we really just not that good? I maintain the talent is on the roster. This is not 9th place talent.


    ^^ I think that’s what is burning people up. We are NOT 9th place talent but yet we consistently play at that level (with the exception of 1-2 games a year).

    I have never been on the anti-Gott or the sky is falling bandwagon. However, I am beyond frustration with the lack of player development, offense and defense (we have no offense), basically there has been little to no organization in 4 years.

    We are consistently inconsistent and we are still a bubble team at best. Sorry but I appreciate Gott’s work to this point (we all do/should) but I’m not sure where we are going? The product on the court really hasn’t changed over 4 years. If we didn’t make a “magical” lucky run at the end of February every year would people be so patient?

    I don’t know anymore and it’s hard to give two $hits anymore either. We have been in this situation for so long it’s insane. Maybe it’s our destiny to be that team that is always on the edge but never really makes it.

    Oh well…I still love my Pack but we just seem to pick the same road no matter who coaches anymore.


    I will ask again, what happens next year if we lose Freeman, Cat and possibly Anya in the off season? Would that not be a red flag on MG or does the reset button of excuses get hit…….again.

    Because what I am hearing is that those 3 all could be gone.


    I will ask again, what happens next year if we lose Freeman, Cat and possibly Anya in the off season? Would that not be a red flag on MG or does the reset button of excuses get hit…….again.

    Because what I am hearing is that those 3 all could be gone.

    Who are you hearing that from?


    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>backthebackagain wrote:</div>
    I will ask again, what happens next year if we lose Freeman, Cat and possibly Anya in the off season? Would that not be a red flag on MG or does the reset button of excuses get hit…….again.

    Because what I am hearing is that those 3 all could be gone.

    Who are you hearing that from?

    within the AD, Cat and MG dont see eye to eye on things, Anya and freeman worried about minutes

    when you stop and think about it, it makes sense

    abu and martins will be nucleus next year and if Anya doesnt get his stuff together he is the odd man odd


    I agree with BJD. Next year is the make or break for Gott, regardless of how this year goes.

    Yow is in a tough spot. She may have another Sendek (but without Sendek’s first 5 years wiping out all his goodwill with the fan base). And Archie won’t wait forever.


    ^^I’d hate to lose either Nard or BeeJay (BeeJay in particular), but if they are worried about minutes then the solution is to get better. BeeJay’s been a little better this year but he’s still wildly inconsistent and needs to drop some more weight. Nard actually has regressed. Remember how good he was down the stretch last year? Lately he’s even struggled to rebound. Neither of those guys will see major minutes playing like they are now, unless they drop to a mid-major.


    Nobody mentioned that we dropped off some NC State SH_T in Atlanta… Maybe this team has learned something about how it can go both ways. Hard for me to believe all the criticism of Gott and the team. Pretty young IMHO and learning how to gell.

    we are 3/4’s through the season, if they aint gelled yet it aint happening. The young excuse is perpetual and exhausting.

    Our starting guard average 3 1/2 seasons of college basketball within factoring this year.
    Most coaches would kill for that.


    Agree w/Backthepack. Forget youth. That excuse ran its course five or more years ago. I don’t think Kentucky is suffering much from youth…and every other program that deals with one and done. Our problems are systemic.

    Are you seriously comparing our youth to Kentucky’s youth? That’s as misguided as trying to compare every struggling coach to K.

    Out of the top 10 guys getting minutes for them, only three of them were not ranked in the top 10 OVERALL. Several were #1 or #2 at their position. None of them are lower than top 40, and of the three that aren’t top 10, two are top 20 and the other is Will C-S.

    Comparing us to Kentucky is like comparing apples to hand grenades.

    How about Miami? They are younger than us but beat us.


    If two more players transfer then IMO that is really bad. We keep hearing that Gott is not recruiting this year b because of all the current talent. Io not believe that but…


    How about Miami? They are younger than us but beat us.


    Miami’s top 5 players by minutes: junior, junior, junior, sophomore, freshman.
    NC State’s top 5 players by minutes: junior, senior, sophomore, sophomore, sophomore.

    The three juniors from Miami have been playing together for almost three years.
    NC States have been together for not quite one.

    So we’re effectively the same as far as youth, but Miami’s kids have been playing together longer.


    ^paki, two of Miami’s guys are transfers. That nucleus hasn’t been together all that long, but they communicate remarkably well with eachother. We need some of that!


    I reckon we’re the same then.


    Are we talking about the Miami that lost at home to GT by 20, lost big at home to Eastern Kentucky, just lost to FSU, etc.?

    They’re more schizo than we are.


    Rick: I’m with you. I believe we’re recruiting with 3 slots in mind. We’ve just not filled them.

    Regardless of what is in the pipeline currently, you can’t take a 0 in a recruiting class because of scholarship spacing. That’s what did Al Skinner in at BC. It’s also why Sid’s “6 pack” class was so, uhm, questionable. People arguing the pipeline excuse just don’t seem to understand recruiting and the nature of transfers in college basketball.

    If we have transfers out this year, and no one coming in next year, then this staff will enter the season with some actual heat. I still think due to contract situation that they could probably miss this year and suck out loud next year and nothing would happen, but I could be wrong. I also think we’ll sign a couple of kids late and probably see 1 transfer.


    Rick: I’m with you. I believe we’re recruiting with 3 slots in mind. We’ve just not filled them.

    Regardless of what is in the pipeline currently, you can’t take a 0 in a recruiting class because of scholarship spacing. That’s what did Al Skinner in at BC. It’s also why Sid’s “6 pack” class was so, uhm, questionable. People arguing the pipeline excuse just don’t seem to understand recruiting and the nature of transfers in college basketball.

    If we have transfers out this year, and no one coming in next year, then this staff will enter the season with some actual heat. I still think due to contract situation that they could probably miss this year and suck out loud next year and nothing would happen, but I could be wrong. I also think we’ll sign a couple of kids late and probably see 1 transfer.

    Thanks for your response. I feel the same way. I think we miss this year and next year is crucial. If he misses the next two I think he gets one more based on his sweet 16 alone and his relationship with Yow. By then however the split in the fanbase will be way more divided then the Herb years.

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