Dan Dakich on Mark Thomas Show

Dan Dakich was on the Mark Thomas (99.9 The Fan) show today and, we learned two things: he really likes Karl Hess a lot, and he doesn’t care if State fans and players dislike him.

We also learned that, based on his response, Dakich clearly doesn’t know Hess was in fact reprimanded by the ACC for mishandling this.

Full audio (wralSPORTSfan.com).

Mark Thomas asks Dakich to explain why he thought Karl Hess made the right move tossing Corchiani and Gugliotta last winter.


Well, why’d he make the wrong move? I’ve been in it 25 years and I’ve never seen where a referee, uh, throws guys out for no reason. So, there must have been a reason somewhere, and I’m a big fan of Karl Hess. I’m not a big fan of every referee, and I’ve had referees that, you know, won’t speak to me before games, which is cool with me, either way, I mean, it doesn’t matter to me who speaks to me or who doesn’t speak to me. Uh, but nobody’s told me why he made the wrong move. And my sense is, is, being around, hmm, since, uh, ’82, that I’ve never seen where a referee’s done it. And I’m personally, I coach summer basketball, go around the country coaching kids, I’m kind of tired of people in the stands yelling, and if that was the case, then good for Hess, uh, doing what he thinks he needed to do…

I understand that people defend stars from their school. I totally get that, they can do no wrong, and I understand that, believe me I understand that…so I get the whole star thing, and uh, and uh, and a thing, but I like Karl Hess a lot, I’ve always liked Karl Hess. Karl Hess did my games back in Bowling Green. So, I’m sure there’s a story that North Carolina State fans have, I’m sure there’s a story that Corchiani and Gugliotta have. That’s great, good for them, they should, you’ve gotta come up with some spin when you get embarrassed. I understand that. But I like Karl Hess a lot, I think he’s a terrific ref and I stand up to anybody as a referee that doesn’t take nonsense from people in the stands.

Thomas replies:

Yeah, and I respect that, and obviously —

Dakich cuts Thomas off:

Uh, well let me tell you something. Whether you respect it or not is cool with me either way. But, uh, you know, I thought we [garbled] when you sent me this thing, you said we were gonna talk about ACC basketball, not two guys getting thrown out of a gym. So if you’d like to do that, I’m more than happy to do that. If you want to talk about two ex heroes getting embarrassed, you know, that’s on you guys.


Sure. But you know, you had to know we were also gonna bring it up, correct?


Uh, doesn’t matter to me, I don’t pay attention to it, any of it. You ask me a question I give you an answer.

After talking a few moments (positively) about Lorenzo Brown, Thomas then asks if being disliked is part of the business for a color analyst.


You know, I don’t know, I know the North Carolina State people are all like 12 years old on Twitter hating me, they’re all like college kids. So why would I worry about that?

Like on Twitter, North Carolina State fans kill me. And I always look on the bio of the person, there’s, you know, usually like a, I don’t know, a college kid or something. Who cares? Why do I care if some 18 or 22 year old doesn’t like me?

I know there’s a couple guys, North Carolina State players don’t like me. But who cares about that? I mean, why would that make any difference to me? I don’t know ’em, I’ll never know ’em. If they knew me they’d really like me. But so what?

So, in summary, here’s what we learned about Dakich:
*He likes Karl Hess. A lot.
*He doesn’t like it when fans yell.
*He gets bullied on Twitter by 12 year olds.
*He doesn’t care if State fans or players like him.
*But, if we only knew him, we’d like him.

This topic, among others, is being discussed on the SFN Forums.

About LRM

Charter member of the Lunatic Fringe and a fan, loyal to a fault.

Media NCS Basketball

48 Responses to Dan Dakich on Mark Thomas Show

  1. ancsu87 12/21/2012 at 11:39 PM #

    MrPlywood wrote: “Elmore makes me laugh when he obviously can’t let go of ’74, other wise he’s fine.”

    I understood what you mean however I tend to cut him slack when his ’74 frustration kicks in. I mean that was still the greatest college bb games I’ve ever seen and it was a damn shame one of the two teams had to lose.

    Packer was always a favorite of mine especially his comments during that 1989 Georgetown ref fiasco.

    However the one with the best combination of insight and humor, to me, was old Bones McKinney.

  2. MrPlywood 12/22/2012 at 2:28 AM #

    “I mean that was still the greatest college bb games I’ve ever seen and it was a damn shame one of the two teams had to lose.”

    Combined with the fact that it was the end of the line for Maryland. No at large bids back then.

  3. PackerInRussia 12/22/2012 at 4:21 AM #

    wilmwolf, I have a somewhat twisted sense of humor I suppose and THAT produced a chortle.

    Ed89, I also like Bobby Knight. He may not be “colorful” in the way some people might imagine a color analyst should be, but I enjoy the insight he provides in the game. I’m sure that’s not a lot of people’s style, though.

  4. wufpup76 12/22/2012 at 5:25 AM #

    ^Don’t feel bad, I laughed too.

    Bonner is my favorite. Objective with a great enthusiasm for the game – regardless of which teams are playing … You can tell the guy just loves basketball.

    I liked Greg Anthony, but he’s doing NBA now … Agree with others about Packer. He just flat told it like it was – nothing wrong with that in my view.

  5. Pack78 12/22/2012 at 7:43 AM #

    Always liked Packer; the games that he did with Al McGuire were classics. Bonner is really good; knows the game (played at UVA IIRC) and , unlike most, does not let his ego get in the way.

  6. WolfInVolCountry 12/22/2012 at 8:36 AM #

    I too had to Google him. He is forgettable. I did go to his twitter page… and yeah he was being schooled by some 12 year-olds! If he can’t see how wrong it was for Hess to throw Corch/Googs out without due process… well then he is a douche nozzle.

  7. Rick 12/22/2012 at 9:05 AM #

    “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. For the most part, if y’all don’t have a color guy on knee pads for State, y’all don’t like his schtick. Goddam…it’s the truth.”

    What a complete and utter bull crap response.
    You then go on to take every negative post about an announcer and attribute it to… wait for it… EVERYONE ON THIS SITE. Maybe you can find posts of mine in which I criticized all those other announcers. Surely you can since you imply I hate those other announcers.
    The only one in your list I do not like is Gimiski. He is shaped like a penis for a reason. Frankly lumping everyone into one big bucket is a really weak way of bolstering your own opinion

    Dakich is an idiot. He has NOTHING constructive to say ever. An announcer can make points about bad play without running the player or the team down. You can make points without repeating the same phrases over and over and over again. Hey Cowdog put your chin to the rim.
    Everything that comes out of Dakich mouth is negative. The man is so bitter it is pathetic. I am guessing he is still fuming because no AD in the country is stupid enough to give “Bitter Dan” a coaching gig.

    And now he decides to fellate Hess. He opens his big idiotic mouth without knowing a single thing about the incident. Which makes sense since that is how he announces, without knowing a thing about basketball.

    If you like him, more power to you but there are MANY MANY valid reasons to think he is a miserable person and announcer.

  8. MattN 12/22/2012 at 11:35 AM #

    I still don’t understand why Dan, who was not in attendance at the game in question, ever brought up Hess tossing Googs/Corch while doing color for the Cincy/X game. Talk about a guy just BEGGING for attention….

  9. WolftownVA81 12/22/2012 at 11:48 AM #

    I can tolerate his schtick in the booth – mostly because I’ve become so use to bad announcers. Agree with most of the comments above. I have no idea why these guys feel they have to comment on everything. What ever happened to being a professional? After this interview, I don’t have much use for him. I’m sure he’ll flame out soon.

  10. wolfpack4ever 12/22/2012 at 12:42 PM #

    If it involves ESPN announcers, I don’t like it; period. As much as I enjoyed ESPN in its earlier stages, I loathe it now. It is a major contributor to all that is wrong with sports today.

  11. RalWolf 12/22/2012 at 1:09 PM #

    Okay. So, if I recall. Hess ejected those guys from the game. A few days later the ACC issued a statement saying that he was wrong. Granted, that statement also sounded like a commendation, but then Hess was not allowed to officiate the ACC tournament.

    Am I wrong in suggesting to Mr. Dackich that it’s fairly well established that his buddy Hess did SOMETHING wrong. The fact that he’s never heard of any Ref doing anything like that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. But … uh … you know… I guess there are people that don’t … uh … you know … believe that people landed on the moon, or that the holocaust happened. I guess since those things are unheard of too, they never happened.

    Look no further than the ACC’s response. Hess was supposed to coordiate with RBC staff before ejecting a fan — any fan — from a game. The fact that these two fans happened to be two ACC (not just NC State) heroes is not the issue — although that does make it worse and got the media’s attention.

    The issue, Mr. Dackich, is your buddy was wrong. He got his slap on the wrist and if he ever shows his face in Raleigh he’s going to rightly be under a lot of scrutiny.

  12. highstick 12/22/2012 at 1:23 PM #

    “I honestly have no idea who Dakich is, am I supposed to?”


    While Packer would get on my nerves sometimes, he and Thacker were my favorite combo whether we were winning or losing.

  13. Wufpacker 12/22/2012 at 1:31 PM #

    Speaking of Mr. Bonner, he’s in Dayton today calling what is about to be a very nice win for Archie’s Flyers.

    (77-68 Final over Murray State)

  14. gumby 12/22/2012 at 1:33 PM #

    My problem with Dan Dickitch is that by his own words he admits he didn’t witness and has not knowledge of what happened with Corch and Googs other than the fact that they were tossed, and he doesn’t care to know any more. He also readily admits he is a Hess bootlicker.

    Ignorance + Bias = A-hole.

  15. JeremyH 12/22/2012 at 1:37 PM #

    who’s got a weblink to the Bonnies game?

  16. JohnGalt78Jr 12/22/2012 at 2:05 PM #

    Dan who?

  17. blpack 12/22/2012 at 2:12 PM #

    I used to like him. He shut down Jordan and the other AA’s on that 84 team whose stuff didn’t stink. To be fair I didn’t hear the interview, but reading this and twitter the guy just seems very insecure. He is never wrong. That gets old before too long.

  18. state73 12/22/2012 at 2:38 PM #

    Dakich says that young people do not like him. I am past 60 and think he is a total idiot. He is full of himself(ie. shit) Let’s hope he stays away from the PNC Arena along with with Hess. GO PACK!

  19. GAWolf 12/22/2012 at 4:05 PM #

    Seriously… who is this guy? Is he the commentator that has done several of our games this year and complained about our players not working together very well? He’s clearly a douchebag for acting like a child in this interview, but a few of the things he noticed about our play early in the year was not necessarily wrong.

  20. FunPack 12/22/2012 at 4:41 PM #

    I’m pretty sure that dakich is German for a “whale’s vagina”. No? Then we’ll just have to agree to disagree.


  21. Rick 12/22/2012 at 5:17 PM #

    “but a few of the things he noticed about our play early in the year was not necessarily wrong.”

    It has nothing to do with what he said but the insanely negative way he said it. I would call him a douche bag but that is an insult to douche bags.

  22. BureauOfMines 12/23/2012 at 7:18 AM #

    “I honestly have no idea who Dakich is, am I supposed to?”

    Same here. I never heard of him before reading this.

  23. SuperStuff 12/23/2012 at 8:47 AM #

    I don’t know who this guy is or why I should care.

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