N & O: UNC-CH football and basketball players made up 39% of the suspect classes



I hope nobody passes out from shock when they read this N & O article that explains how UNC-CH football and basketball players accounted for a wildly disproportionate number of the enrollees in the imaginary classes over in Chapel Hill.  We never saw that one coming!  Wow!  Who could have imagined!

Some highlights:

There were 686 enrollments for the 54 suspect classes. Of those, football players accounted for 246 of the enrollments, or 36 percent, while basketball players accounted for 23 of the enrollments, or three percent, according to UNC. All told football and basketball players accounted for 39 percent of the enrollments.

Football and basketball players account for less than one percent of the total undergraduate enrollment…


The investigation covered courses offered within the department from the summer of 2007 to the summer of 2011, though all but two of the classes were offered from 2007 to 2009. UNC officials said the only two people within the department who appear to have been responsible for the suspect classes are Nyang’oro and his administrative secretary, Deborah Crowder. Some professors interviewed for the probe said they did not authorize grade changes that students taking the classes had received and said their names had been forged on academic records.

Crowder retired in September 2009 and declined requests for interviews by the investigators.

and by far the funniest thing I have read in weeks:

On Monday, Tom Ross, the UNC system president, said in a statement that he saw no need to look further into the academic improprieties.

“I believe that this was an isolated situation and that the campus has taken appropriate steps to correct problems and put additional safeguards in place,” Ross said.

For those of you too young to remember, this is exactly how the UNC system acted in 1990.

While we are on the subject of Professor  Nyang’oro, let’s all remember that, according to this N & O piece from September 2011, he hired a professional football agent to teach classes at UNC-CH.  Julius Peppers’ agent in fact.  Hmmmm.  That’s interesting.

And does everyone remember this tweet from UNC-CH running back Shaun Draughn?  We did an entry on it at the time. No wonder he did not know what his classes were or who his professors were!

This tweet from UNC-CH basketball player Reggie Bullock is even more interesting given recent events.


Stay tuned




UNC Scandal

43 Responses to N & O: UNC-CH football and basketball players made up 39% of the suspect classes

  1. wolfpacker 05/08/2012 at 9:53 AM #

    They have been cheating so long they think it’s the WAY!

    The entire system is corrupt all the way from the TOP down. The academic program in question was put in place at the RIGHT TIME. That would be over 20 years ago when Friday was doing whatever it took to clean up the ‘mess’ related to academics and athletics at NCSU. So where is he now?

    Now, it’s all beginning to make sense. Why would a university of such high academic standards (barf) have a chancellor that is so young? Maybe to cover up what’s been going on for a few decades. It’s all beginning to make sense the carowhina way – CHEAT, COVER UP, AND HIDE!

    What a joke these people are … they don’t even feel as if they’ve done anything wrong.

    unc = university of non-compliant cheaters

  2. wilmwolf80 05/08/2012 at 10:03 AM #

    The thing that needs to be stressed here is that it isn’t about athletes taking easy classes. That happens at every university. But taking an easy class of not the same thing as being GIVEN a high grade without doing any work, or apparently attending an actual class. That is academic fraud to the highest degree. Add to that the manipulation of grades that appears to have occurred, and it paints a pretty damning picture. If I were a student at that university, I would be outraged that the powers that be have been allowing this to occur. How can you hold your degree up as being “prestigious” when this kind of academic impropriety is going on. And just as in the athletic fraud, the powers that be knew this was going on, and did nothing to stop it. That sort of turning a blind eye is just the same as opening approving such behavior. The only way that the people in charge are going to acknowledge or do anything about this issue is through pressure from the public, ie us. I encourage everyone to use the emails that have been made available, but also to continue to spread this story over social media, and to email your local media outlets demanding they follow this story. Something stinks on the hill, we just have to get everyone else to smell it.

  3. TheAliasTroll 05/08/2012 at 10:12 AM #

    The fact that the professor is still currently employed by UNC right now tells you everything you need to know. The bullsh!t is stacked to the ceiling over there.

  4. Alpha Wolf 05/08/2012 at 10:33 AM #

    “Oh and I can’t wait to hear what David Glennnnnn has to say about this. If he even mentions it, he’ll probably attribute it to racism some how.”

    He’ll figure out a way to blame State fans for being obsessed with it.

  5. lawful 05/08/2012 at 10:40 AM #

    The thing that needs to be stressed here is that it isn’t about athletes taking easy classes. That happens at every university. But taking an easy class of not the same thing as being GIVEN a high grade without doing any work, or apparently attending an actual class. That is academic fraud to the highest degree. Add to that the manipulation of grades that appears to have occurred, and it paints a pretty damning picture. If I were a student at that university, I would be outraged that the powers that be have been allowing this to occur. How can you hold your degree up as being “prestigious” when this kind of academic impropriety is going on. And just as in the athletic fraud, the powers that be knew this was going on, and did nothing to stop it. That sort of turning a blind eye is just the same as opening approving such behavior. The only way that the people in charge are going to acknowledge or do anything about this issue is through pressure from the public, ie us. I encourage everyone to use the emails that have been made available, but also to continue to spread this story over social media, and to email your local media outlets demanding they follow this story. Something stinks on the hill, we just have to get everyone else to smell it.


    This post should be forwarded to the press.

  6. packof81 05/08/2012 at 10:50 AM #

    So what we can take away from all this is academic fraud has officially been institutionalized at UNC Chapel Hill. They are saying yes they did it but nothing is going to be done about it and they are going to continue doing it. Oh yeah and only UNC Chapel Hill gets to do it. The rest of you must abide by the other rules.

  7. Wolf1975 05/08/2012 at 11:31 AM #

    How does the NCAA not make another trip to UNC, basketball players were not part of the first investigation…

  8. YogiNC 05/08/2012 at 11:34 AM #

    Can you imagine the outrage had this happened at NCSU in 1989? They would have called for closing the place down. Sounds like it’s time for a class action lawsuit of taxpayers to demand an accounting of monies provided to a fraudulent operation.

  9. lawful 05/08/2012 at 11:57 AM #

    I believe this sheds some light on the subject:


  10. ruffles31 05/08/2012 at 12:00 PM #

    No worries, Glenn is on it. He is talking about the best “sports marriages” and his first guest will be talking about the Charlotte Bobcats.

    He is supposed to talk to a N&O guy in the second hour. Should be interesting to hear the spin.

  11. LifeLongWolf 05/08/2012 at 12:31 PM #

    I’m thinking there’s lots of room for fun on this topic, specifically signs at football and basketball games. How does one say “Academic Fraud” in Swahili or Portugeuse?

    Babelfish says it’s “fraude académico” in Portuguese.

    Maybe “wadanganyifu darasani” in Swahili? Literally “liars in the classroom.” Not sure of grammar, ’cause I never took Swahili. Hey, that qualifies me for a UNC degree!

  12. state73 05/08/2012 at 12:34 PM #

    Everyone should read the link listed by lawful. Joe Ovies made some great comments. It looks like everyone in chapel hill is involved in this mess.

  13. packalum44 05/08/2012 at 1:56 PM #

    ^ Liked Joe’s article until this p**** disclaimer.

    “That’s not to say North Carolina is unique. It’s just something to think about next time big bad college sports is shouldered with all the blame.”

    Ummmmmm yes it is. UNC’s story is quite unique on multiple levels. I won’t go into the details we are all well versed in the specific unique circumstances of the cheating.

    Perhaps one of the most unique situations is that an entire department, which has been around for decades, and its chair, were deeply involved in academic fraud to a profound level that involved not only football and basketball players (which until now have been portrayed as angels) but the entire student population. This fraud was discovered by a biased in-house investigation. Allah only knows what filth is lurking behind the shadows there?

    A 3rd party investigation is needed. I not only want my school out of the ACC but out of the UNC system and before you laugh, there are several public schools that are self funding (Penn St. and Michigan). This should be a long term strategic goal and Lord willing I will give billions one day to facilitate such a thing hell I’ll buyout the school from the good ole’ boy backwards state that is NC.

  14. StateFans 05/08/2012 at 4:16 PM #

    The easiest way to prove that something isnt unique is to share multiple examples of similar situations.

    Of course This situation at UNC is unique — if it weren’t we’d have examples of this fraud at many other schools

  15. Virginia Wolf 05/08/2012 at 4:26 PM #

    Uh, Oh!!! Basketball is involved!!! Ole Roy will be getting out the B.B. gun!!! Watch out!!!

  16. Wolf74 05/08/2012 at 6:45 PM #

    Roy and the whole basketball program is just one big bunch of cheaters. The two NCAA championships they cheated for should be forfeited.

    Liars and cheats. I have already checked out my stock broker and general practicioners degree to ensure they came from a real university. Now I am going to vote anti-UNC-CHeats in November. Anyone that has even been remotely associated with that bunch of liars will not get my vote.

  17. cators34 05/09/2012 at 11:19 AM #

    I really enjoy this site, however I wish everyone on here didn’t obsess with UNC so much. I read more about Carolina than State on here. You think they give a crap what happens here? Nope. It makes us look inferior imo.

  18. RaleighBound 05/10/2012 at 11:28 AM #

    It’s not obsession in the sense you describe, cators. State deserves a level playing field, and the thing is so tilted towards Cheater Hill that it’s mind boggling. We’re trying to ensure their feet are held to the fire so it stops – permanently.

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