Arden made permanent provost

The former dean of NC State’s College of Veterinary Medicine can take the ‘interim’ from his job title now.


He’s now N.C. State’s provost, getting the job for good after serving as interim provost since May of last year.

He’ll also hold the title of executive vice chancellor. The appointment was made Friday. His salary will be $315,000.

The provost is the university’s chief academic officer, overseeing a broad spectrum of academic and student affairs.

Arden, 53, was previously dean of NCSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine.

As the university’s chief academic officer, the provost oversees the policies and priorities that sustain educational excellence in academic and student affairs. The provost’s responsibilities include leading academic strategic planning and resource allocation and overseeing academic personnel matters, including faculty recruitment, hiring, retention, performance, promotion and tenure.

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NC State Administration

4 Responses to Arden made permanent provost

  1. Wufpacker 12/03/2010 at 10:23 PM #

    So, anyone got any insight into whether this is a good permanent hire? Despite his having been Dean of the Vet School I don’t know too much about him aside from name recognition. I’ve been out of the area for longer than I care to remember at this point, and I haven’t kept up with the detailed goings-on of the Vet School’s day-to-day operations. And of course there have been a couple “more visible” new hires recently such as the new chancellor and the new AD.

    So, has this guy done a good job in the position as the interim and is getting hired on merit? Or is this a throwback to the good-ol’ boy system that I had hoped the new chancellor (and AD) were trying to weed out?

    Input, anyone?

  2. quacko 12/04/2010 at 12:49 AM #

    he’s a straight up politician type. other than that he seems to be a pretty stand up guy.

    he came to state about the same time i started vet school.

  3. ryebread 12/04/2010 at 11:17 AM #

    The vet school seems to be doing fairly well academically, from a name recognition perspective and seems to be expanding. Granted, there are very few vet schools nationally, so there are some clear advantages. Not knowing the individual and having no insider information, this seems fairly solid.

  4. backnine 12/04/2010 at 11:45 AM #

    Here’s to hoping Arden has a firm understanding of how a well run and managed athletics program can help with academics as well by making the university more attractive and visible on a broader level. Woodson understands this dynamic, so if he placed Arden in this role I would assume the man shares Woodson’s vision.

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