The Drama Continues: Mary Easley to Stay Put [Updated 6pm]

Last night: Link to Bob Jordan’s appointment

Great feature: SFN’s big piece on Oblinger

The drama certainly continues in West Raleigh as the attorney for the embattled former First Lady says she plans to go nowhere, according to the N&O.

“Mary Easley plans to continue making contributions to North Carolina State University and the state of North Carolina,” attorney Marvin Schiller said during a news conference.

Easley stood silently at Schiller’s side but didn’t answer questions.

So far as we can tell, her contributions have been a monstrous addition to the payroll which led to the resignations of the Provost and the Chairman of the Board. Meanwhile, after University officials including the Chancellor were greeted by Federal Agents wielding subpeonas to appear before a grand jury this morning, the University’s spokesman said that the officials needed more time to prepare and did not testify. We’ll certainly keep you informed when they do testify.

Mary Easley continues to be a thorn in the side of not just NC State but the UNC System as well after refusing calls from both the Chancellor and UNC System President Erskine Bowles have publicly called for her resignation.

It is beyond my comprehension how Mary Easley can continue to contribute to NC State with all of these questions surrounding her hiring. And unfortunately for the Easleys, it’s not just questions of her hiring. We mentioned earlier that there are ongoing federal investigations involving Governor Easley’s acts while in office. These include the use of former BOT Chairman McQueen Campbell’s airplane, the use of vehicles provided by private dealerships, and an east coast land deal that’s looking more and more suspicious. While we don’t want to imply that Mary Easley was guilty in her husband’s in-office activity, the involvement of parties at NC State, her future employer, causes us to be skeptical.

It is also beyond my comprehension how Oblinger can effectively continue his roll as chancellor. Where does the buck stop? Oblinger was either ignorant of circumstances of the hire or complicit. Either way the axe falls, it does not look good for the Chancellor.

A new day and a new embarassment for NC State.

Campus News NC State Administration

53 Responses to The Drama Continues: Mary Easley to Stay Put [Updated 6pm]

  1. ncsslim 05/21/2009 at 3:07 PM #

    I’m not saying that Mary Easley did anything wrong in taking the job. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being on the receiving end of a quid pro quo that didn’t involve you directly. However, for the sake of the University and the questionable circumstances surrounding her hire, she should step aside.”

    She should step aside merely because the N&O says so? That’s basically what this is all about; Big Mike dissed the N$O over some e-mails and it’s been hell to pay since. Even though I’m a Dem, I think Easley’s a piece-of-shit, BUT, don’t think for a minute this is not paypack from our usual enemy #1, the N$O. I’ve said before on this forum, on this topic: hey big time newspaper, show some relative data. Show us that we are dramatically overpaying for the task at hand. There should be plenty of comparative date readily available. Don’t just keep feeding us this “Clinton/Lincoln Bedroom”esque bullshit without comparative data.

    We’re not. When was the last time you got doubled up on your salary? For what it’s worth, this is tax money funding this, and the N&O, while you won’t see me defending it much, has a civic responsibility to watch our politicians and our money. If that’s practiced across the board is a valid question, but I would hardly say that the N&O leans to the right.

  2. pyejam 05/21/2009 at 3:11 PM #

    Lindsey Graham was also a speaker…not too liberal there. Obama’s visit wasn’t even publicized by NC State at all.

  3. cWOhLFrPAiCKs 05/21/2009 at 3:15 PM #

    Here’s the letter I sent her:

    Mrs. Easley,
    My name is John Smith and I am a student at North Carolina State University. I am extremely proud of my ties to the University and considered it a great opportunity to be able to attend such a wonderful institution. Recently, there have been many reports that the Integrity we have worked so hard to achieve at our University have been tarnished by possible unfair dealings involving your employment and subsequent raise shortly thereafter.

    While I do hope that the truth is brought to light concerning this situation, I have made no decision as to where the guilt lies. However, I do feel that after seeing many of the parties involved in your hiring step down from their positions at N.C. State, that perhaps it is best you do the same. While I greatly appreciate all of the hard work you have completed in the name of our great University, I do not see how maintaining your position at the University aids this situation in the least. Regardless of where the guilt lies, I believe all parties are better served if all involved parties were to relinquish their positions at the University.

    Thank you for your time and best of luck to you in the coming months as I am sure they will be trying times.

  4. primacyone 05/21/2009 at 3:30 PM #

    Mary Easley could be the king pin behind it all. She could be the one responsible for the free air plane rides, the free car, the idea for her to have a job at NCSU. She could be the power junkie. She could be the matstermind of the whole dang thing?

    I wonder who will be going to jail?

    This is not our view. We are not alleging Mary Easley’s guilt in anything and nor do we acknowledge guilt on the part of Mike Easley. What we are acknowledging is circumstantial evidence that led both Campbell and Nielsen to resign. Again, there’s no one saying that Mary Easley did anything wrong, but for the sake of the university and the circumstances around her hiring warrant her to step down just as it does for Oblinger.

  5. rtpack24 05/21/2009 at 3:46 PM #

    Why would she quit? I believe she has a five year contract. She has an attorney who I am sure is negotiating a deal for her to walk away or stay and continue to get paid. It makes you wonder that if anyone in our admin. has a clue to what goes on around them. Pitiful!!!!!

  6. whitefang 05/21/2009 at 3:46 PM #

    Getting her to resign would make it all the easier for Oblinger and Bowles to sweep this under the rug and blame it all on the Easley’s and the already resigned provost and BOT chair. Personally I never voted for Easley anyway, but I don’t want Oblinger to get off the hook on this one. I think her staying keeps both the spotlight on the NC State administration and will cause more of the sordid details out to eventually force the long needed changes in admin to take place.

  7. highstick 05/21/2009 at 3:55 PM #

    This is not just an NC State thing guys! This is what North Carolina politics has “devolved” into. We’re not the only institution in the state where this happens. Just so happens though that we’ve got the “Perfect Storm” with the most incompetent group running the show right now. They are so dumb, they couldn’t get out of their own way!

  8. bradleyb123 05/21/2009 at 3:57 PM #

    “while Duke gets a national champ in w-tennis and unc gets 2 nat champs this year we are blogging about the f–k–g wife of a sleazy professional politician.”

    FWIW, we’ve won two national championships this year, as well. Wrestling and Women’s Diving.

    SFN: NC State has had two individuals win national championships this year. Fantastic! But, “NC State” has NOT won two national championships this year. Had two individuals win; but not had two teams win.

  9. Rick 05/21/2009 at 4:40 PM #

    She and her husband sure ruin everything they touch.

    She is the exact opposite of the midas touch.

    [sang to the midnight star song “midas touch”]
    She’s got the Easley touch.
    Everything she touches turns to crap

  10. Keg Man 05/21/2009 at 5:02 PM #

    If the Easleys had backed Obama instead of Hillary or if Hillary had become president instead of Obama, does anyone really believe the feds would be after them? All the cars, cash, and favors are fine as long as your buddies are in office.

  11. Sam92 05/21/2009 at 5:06 PM #

    it’s interesting how this is playing out – with Mary Easley sticking to her guns; she clearly thinks she was a legit hire. it makes me wonder what would have happened if campbell would have said so as well and refused to resign.

  12. Par Shooter 05/21/2009 at 5:21 PM #

    So Oblinger publicly calls for her resignation and she declines? I can’t say that I’ve ever seen that happen before. He looks like a powerless buffoon at this point. How in the world did he become (and stay for awhile) the Chancellor at a major university with so little saavy?

  13. choppack1 05/21/2009 at 5:34 PM #

    Keg – I do. These are being driven by someone who wouldn’t let that stop him.

  14. john of sparta 05/21/2009 at 9:20 PM #

    ME: 1, JO: 0. end of first.

  15. highstick 05/21/2009 at 9:52 PM #

    Has she resigned? I just got an email from one of my Tarhole partners and he said she had. But then again, Tarholes are short on facts?

  16. TheAliasTroll 05/22/2009 at 9:27 AM #

    What a wonderful opportunity squandered to show off her “unique credentials” of SPEAKING. Instead she let the lawyer do all the talking.

    Any raises over 10% needed to be approved by the BOG, and then they asked NC State why this wasn’t the case with Easley’s raise and we said we didn’t know about that rule. LOL!

  17. TomCat 05/22/2009 at 10:21 AM #

    Screw the News & Observer. This whole deal results from a snub of the N&O by Mike Easley essentially through his whole term as Governor. If you give a newspaper digging around in a trash can long enough they are bound to create enough smoke to give the impression of something. When the smoke clears from all the paper-driven hysteria- the facts will be: Easley and staff did a shoddy job of record keeping when catching a handful of flights from old friends (people he’s essentially know since before he was Governor) by not properly documenting them. Documented correctly and timely- the flights are perfectly fine. He put his friends in an embarassing situation for a technicality and will have to say “sorry” and pay a fine. WHHOOOOOOOPPPPPPDEEEEEE DOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! –

    Am I missing something? Were there national secrets stolen or something that I missed in this story? Was their some big high-paying job given out? Oh, that’s right- McQueen Campbell is already a highly successful business man who owns airplanes. All he got as a ally of Easley was an appointment to a non-paying board (NCSU). Geeeee that sounds like a real payoff….. Absolutely ridiculous. Wow, Easley overpaid for one residential lot at CannonsGate which now isn’t worth…. squat. Geeeee, sensational.

    What? There’s more? Mary Easley, an accomplished and qualified professional which has been working in the UNC-System for the past 7 years teaching law… takes a promotion to NCState to run a program which ALMOST EVERY UNIVERSITY in the system also has and in the same pay range (speaker series, etc). A good strategic hire for someone who can bring in folks like Gingrich, Graham and others?….. Geeeeeee, whiz bang.* Are you starting to get a clue? This is really moronic. When the smoke clears we will grasp our composure and get a grip of what a classic overkill we have willing participated. Absolutely ridiculous.

  18. Alpha Wolf 05/22/2009 at 10:23 AM #

    ^ I suppose corruption means little to some people and that they would rather grind an axe against the messenger and ignore the message. Whatever, it’s your choice, but at the end of the day, were this another local school, I bet your take would be in diametric opposition to what it is now.

    My view is simple: the ego of that woman is beyond the pale, and she is an example of everything that is wrong with NC State University.

    Instead of it being the leading Land Grant university in the country, it is used as a cash cow for those at the top, and when they are caught with their drawers around their ankles, they deny, obfuscate and outright lie to their heart’s content, comfortable in the knowledge that eventually this will leave the news cycle when something else new and interesting comes along. In the meantime, we have a school that is slowly descending through the annual rankings and one that is absolutely not fully living up to the potential it possesses. That’s the real crime here.

    Bottom line here is that this is an example of how the state’s banana republic style of corruption has reached down into the university. Mary Easley should resign if for no other reason than she can never again do her job effectively because questions and doubt will forever surround her as long as she stays.

    Instead, she lawyers up and has a PR firm running point for her.

    Frankly, I hope the FBI goes digging and does so deeply — enough to send Mike, Mary and the whole Hee Haw gang into PMITA State Prison, where Bubba is salivating for some fresh new politician meat.

  19. Bubba 05/22/2009 at 10:29 AM #

    Easy there Alpha,I aint in no stinking PMITA State Prison 🙂

  20. TheAliasTroll 05/22/2009 at 10:44 AM #

    TomCat, so are you saying that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has nothing better to do?

  21. choppack1 05/22/2009 at 10:55 AM #

    alpha – You’re exactly right about the state and how this makes the university we graduated from look.

    Here’s the deal – if Mary Easley loved NC State, she’d agree to step down.

    The truth is, her natural position did help her when she was heading up the speakers’ series. Of course, she’s damaged goods now – and she is a damaged leader.

    And this is why the whole thing initially was handled so badly. If she had a modest salary for her prior part time gig – or if she wasn’t the wife of our governor, it would be different.

    The appearance of impropietry should be avoided. This certainly looks really bad – and doesn’t properly reflect the ideals of fairness, ethics, integrity and merit a university should espouse.

    But hey, her staying on this job after all this tells me all I need to know about her and her feelings towards NC State.

    And sorry, Oblinger looks like a complete fool here. Easley’s absurd salary was public knowledge last year. What really wasn’t public knowledge was the relationship between McQueen and the Easley’s…if that’s the sole reason, he needs to come out and say it, but I imagine there’s some issues there regarding Oblinger’s prior knowledge.

  22. TomCat 05/22/2009 at 10:55 AM #

    Again… what national secrets were stolen- and sold to the Chinese? This is ridiculous. Where’s the beef?… This is a giant pissing match on sloppy record keeping and technicality between a newspaper and mike easley…. resulting in a bunch of collateral damage from trusting folks who got in the way- including NC State.
    Easley should be held responsible to the appropriate measure to pay his fine for his paperwork foul ups and apologize for all parties smeared by the N&O as a result. The newspaper is not above fault, as they’ve taken creative license with words, characterizations and inference to smear people in this process to “make” their story less boring to create tabloid feel.
    Again— when the smoke clears, a little fine will be paid by Easley, he’ll fly on a friend’s plane to florida on a vacation. The N&O will pat itself on the back for hurting a bunch of people in the process of “showing Easley whose boss” and we will be left shaking our head cleaning up the collateral damage. Embarassed for being led like sheep down a false story.

  23. Rick 05/22/2009 at 11:05 AM #

    I just read that “looking for heroes” opinion piece in the N&O.
    I guess I should not be surprised Bob “ten seeds of greatness” Kennel wrote it but I am. That guy will support anyone not names Jim Valvano.

  24. bradleyb123 05/22/2009 at 1:57 PM #

    “What? There’s more? Mary Easley, an accomplished and qualified professional which has been working in the UNC-System for the past 7 years teaching law…”

    You glance over this whole thing like it’s nothing. But two high-ranking officials at large universities like NC State don’t resign over nothing.

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