WRAL’s Ken Medlin: Starters Need To Thaw A Frigid Offense

WRAL’s sports site has a couple of articles of interest:

Ken Medlin: Starters Need To Thaw A Frigid Offense

The Pack actually played better with their starters on the bench.

Brandon Costner, Ben McCauley, Trevor Ferguson and Farnold Degand – all four of them starters — combined to score a grand total of five points in the second half.


Barry Jacobs: Lowe, Pack Looking for Right Fit

Lowe’s search for viable options was evident against FSU as both coaches sifted through their benches like shoppers rifling racks of ready-to-wear clothing to find something that would fit. Lowe employed 10 different players for at least 11 minutes each. Hamilton used nine.


While the newcomers prospered, more familiar options were discarded. Javi Gonzalez, last year’s starter at point, played three minutes and looked so out of sync he seemed almost relieved when he was yanked from the game. Degand, touted as the playmaker of the future when he was recovering from injury, continued to be ineffective.

Only Mays appears capable of attacking a defense off the dribble or creating opportunities for others. “Julius, he’s solid,” Lowe said. “He’s a point guard, he knows how to play the position. He’s a smart player.”

Nearly every column I have seen covering this game seems to say the same thing: that NC State’s starters didn’t do their jobs and that the young players off of the bench did.

Perhaps it is time to reverse the roles and force the upperclassmen to earn their time on the court.

08-09 Basketball Media NCS Basketball Sidney Lowe

49 Responses to WRAL’s Ken Medlin: Starters Need To Thaw A Frigid Offense

  1. foz 01/15/2009 at 4:06 PM #

    Has anyone asked Russell Wilson if he would like to play point guard?

  2. PoppaJohn 01/15/2009 at 4:16 PM #

    Anyone still thinking Costner’s going pro this year?

    It’s going to take something called “coaching” to get us out of this mess. Now we see what Sid is made of. I am not optimistic.

  3. Rick 01/15/2009 at 4:18 PM #

    As sad as it is to say, we will be better off when this years seniors are gone.
    That is not saying we will be good as there is not a “star” player on our team right now.

  4. Daily Update 01/15/2009 at 4:37 PM #

    Costner might go pro in Europe. He isn’t an NBA player. Looking back, coming back to college was the wrong move for him(including Ty Lawson).

  5. eas 01/15/2009 at 4:44 PM #

    I agree with FOZ….

    Someone please ask Russell Wilson to play PG.

  6. Wolf-n-Atl 01/15/2009 at 5:03 PM #

    I don’t know if I would say that Costner couldn’t make it in the pros. I remember thinking the same thing about Damien Wilkins and he made it. I know he had the help of his father & uncle, but Costner has a lot more tools than Damien did. Some times a change of scenery helps… lets hope the view from the bench is a big enough change of scenery to get some of our guys motivated to step up their game.

  7. packof81 01/15/2009 at 5:05 PM #

    “As sad as it is to say, we will be better off when this years seniors are gone.”

    The only sadness is they aren’t getting it done.

  8. packnwilm 01/15/2009 at 5:12 PM #

    In the past 24 hours we have had a recruit turn us down, a former basketball player arrested, and a former football player arrested. Can it get any worse?

  9. Packster 01/15/2009 at 5:16 PM #

    Yes….it can get worse. Favors has made it official that he will be going to GT.

  10. tcthdi-tgsf-twhwtnc 01/15/2009 at 5:24 PM #

    “I don’t know if I would say that Costner couldn’t make it in the pros.

    Lazy, slow players that don’t hit every open shot don’t make it in the pros. At least not for long.

  11. Packster 01/15/2009 at 5:30 PM #

    Well….for 2009 it is pretty clear. We suck as is and aren’t going to win many if any games. Why not play the freshman. I see no reason not to.

  12. packsurf13 01/15/2009 at 5:32 PM #

    what former football player got arrested?

  13. travelwolf 01/15/2009 at 5:33 PM #

    chemistry problems again? i’m glad to see that nothing has changed in the last 36 months. i keep on hoping something will… surprise me (us?), Coach Lowe! do anything different – it will probably improve something.

  14. BJD95 01/15/2009 at 5:53 PM #

    Two words – sample size. Over a longer period of time (especially once coaches have film to study), the reserves aren’t going to cut it as ACC starters. I can guaran-damn-tee you that everybody on our roster has had 10 good minutes this year.

    Not holding the veteran players blameless at all, but scapegoating them for all of NC State’s problems is wishful thinking that is simply not supported by the facts.

  15. Gene 01/15/2009 at 5:55 PM #

    Sigh…this is when our suck-ass OOC schedule is biting us in the butt…

    If we played better competition, you’d have an idea of what you’d get out of different players by now.

    We don’t need to play the top 25 every game, but try to keep the OOC games to at least the top 150…

  16. Rick 01/15/2009 at 5:56 PM #

    “Not holding the veteran players blameless at all, but scapegoating them for all of NC State’s problems is wishful thinking that is simply not supported by the facts.”

    I, for one, am not scapegoating them. There are two constants since Lowe has gotten here. Him and the seniors. If we take one of the factors out we will know for sure about the other.

  17. TheCOWDOG 01/15/2009 at 6:21 PM #

    Alpha, I’ve a question for you. Why do we open a new thread with old sh’t? Is it that some outsider’s very late take in the form of mainstream media are more relevant than our own writers? Or is it a blog tool to continue to stir the pot?

    Screw them, many of us have hit the points on this club long before their coming out of the woods. I think that the majority of the local mainstream have to come in here to find what it is they need to create for a column or radio speak tomorrow. Anybody else notice this trend?

  18. Wufpacker 01/15/2009 at 6:33 PM #

    “If we played better competition, you’d have an idea of what you’d get out of different players by now.”

    While I generally agree that playing tougher competition helps in the long run to get a team ready for conference play, in THIS team’s case I believe that all tougher OOC scheduling would have done is result in more L’s

    This team causes teams to play down to their level, not vice versa. Because of that I don’t think playing better teams would have resulted in improvement on our part…at least not lasting improvement.

  19. Wufpacker 01/15/2009 at 6:38 PM #

    “chemistry problems again? i’m glad to see that nothing has changed in the last 36 months.”

    Chemistry problems for 36 months? I’d say more like 18-19 years at this point.

  20. TheCOWDOG 01/15/2009 at 7:18 PM #

    Wufpacker since you’re in here, let’s banter a bit. Beats threads leading with ” Media News ”

    Tough to banter though when similar in take. Our OOC sucks, no question, but this year not as badly. Davidson, Marquette and Fla.
    Hmm? Sure if we played 2 more top 60 teams we would most likely have had 2 more in the loss column…so?

    Is it not also true that quality wins OOC is a major factor when the collaborators come together in March?

  21. Alpha Wolf 01/15/2009 at 7:23 PM #

    Why do we open a new thread with old sh’t? Is it that some outsider’s very late take in the form of mainstream media are more relevant than our own writers?

    Actually, I had meant to post these links yesterday and had some issues at work that kept me from doing so. Medlin is an old hand at ACC reporting and Jacobs is one of the last old guard columnists. Both have seen it all and both make some good points worth excerpting and adding to the cumulative record.

    And, it was an attempt to move the discussion to a new thread because the old two are about to overwhelm the server. It takes a lot of memory to load over 100 comments for each of the users that are doing it the past two days and I have had to spend some ‘quality time’ on the server to keep it from running like the last five minutes of Wolfpack offense in a tight game.

    Finally as to our own writers, heck, I wish we all had more time to write our own stuff more often. With the economy being what it is, we’re all baws to the waws keeping our pro lives afloat.

    Wanna write a full post?

  22. BladenWolf 01/15/2009 at 7:26 PM #

    …”Then there’s the Wolfpack, which last appeared in the AP top 10, even for a week, in 1985.”…

    …“Lowe recalls more glorious times, having piloted the 1983 Pack to a national championship. At this point one suspects he would settle for returning N.C. State to the respectability it enjoyed under Herb Sendek, his discarded predecessor.”…


  23. 61Packer 01/15/2009 at 7:26 PM #

    Anyone know where I can get a red NC State t-shirt that says NC State Football?

  24. turnoffthetv 01/15/2009 at 7:42 PM #

    Alpha, great links and news. Thanks

    I saw what I saw the other night and revised my lineup against GT for the next game.


    PG—Mays-30 mins
    SG—CJ—20 mins
    SF—Fells-30 mins
    PF—Costner-30 mins
    C—-Tracy Smith-20 mins


    PG—Degand 10 mins
    SG—Ferg 20 mins
    SF—J Thomas 10 mins
    PF—Horner 10 mins
    C—-Big Ben 20 mins

    Maybe I should put this under a pregame report thread but its all I could contribute at this point.

    Make no mistake, I think the starters should play as much as they can but if subs need to be made, I have some 5 star players coming off the bench. HA!

  25. turnoffthetv 01/15/2009 at 7:45 PM #


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