Two Guys You Need To Know: David and Dana Pump

 To understand how coaching searches work, this is a SFN must read. David and Dana Pump were one of the big drivers of getting John Calipari to take a long look at NC state.

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29 Responses to Two Guys You Need To Know: David and Dana Pump

  1. JeremyH 04/02/2008 at 5:18 PM #

    I just want to clarify something for my own benefit, forgive me.

    “David and Dana Pump were one of the big drivers of getting John Calipari to take a long look at NC state.”

    ^^ Hasn’t this site excessively chastised LF for doing the search himself and not seeking the help of an outside consultant/firm? If that is the case, it contradicts the above observation about the search above.

  2. crpagpalp 04/02/2008 at 9:40 PM #

    JeremyH, I got the impression that it was Calipari using the Pump brothers to assist in his negotiations with State and not Lee using them to help find a coach.

  3. Ismael 04/03/2008 at 10:55 AM #

    man…i had to take a shower after that article…greed knows no bounds. The kicker was the foundation and trying to seem “more classy” by inviting certain speakers to their “retreats.” I know how stuff is done and their are even slimier eels out there, but, i don’t read about them either.

  4. Ismael 04/03/2008 at 11:10 AM #

    I highly recommend the movie: “The Corporation”.

    What is sad is that they USE alot of these inner city kids and poor southern (1 traffic light town) kids, who have already been sold beach front property in Nebraska by the media with the lure of going to the NBA or NFL.

    But how can a potential recruit turn down these guys, and with the recruits who attend your camps, the head coaches of NCAA schools must talk to the Pimps, what a bunch of circle-jerk f#$#S.

    Don’t worry, i know its not Andy Griffith and Mayberry, but this just makes something so pure (amateur college athletics) and makes it nasty

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