Simple Men Looking for Candidate of Change!

With the biggest sporting event NC State hosts all year upon us (sorry TOB, it’s still the ACC), I’d like to maximize the volume of on-lookers by making an announcement now. Imagine some random guy passing out leaflets to pedestrians in Times Square (UNX @ State in RBC arena) versus the opportunity I had last week (State @ BC in a vaulted ceiling library) and you can see the motivation.

What I propose today is not meant to be serious, but DO NOT mistaken it for just some joke! It is what everything has become when one is an opinionated Wolfpack fan, a paradox.

Let me also add that I consider myself firmly planted in the grassroots movement of the (L)unatic (F)ringe (P)arty, but deep down inside, we all are Wolfpack. So with out further ado I declare this morning of February 20, 2008 the launching point of the LFP for Bobby Knight as NCSU AD.
Bob Knight Bio

AD & Department Alums Fans

58 Responses to Simple Men Looking for Candidate of Change!

  1. Lock 02/20/2008 at 10:59 AM #

    …after he walked out on his kids halfway through a season?

    And that’s just for starters.

  2. nycfan 02/20/2008 at 11:05 AM #

    Well, in fairness, ya’ll oughta vote for ME for AD over your current fearless leader, but an interesting idea. Is Knight interested in being an AD (or is there still some weird likelihood of him taking over IU to finish the year when Sampson is inevitably banished on his leave of absence pending dismissal)?

  3. oldflyingfarmer 02/20/2008 at 11:08 AM #

    I could live with this. Probably would be controversal, but just think what good would come from it.

  4. Greywolf 02/20/2008 at 11:09 AM #

    Getting rid of Fowler would be like putting lip stick on a turd. Getting rid of Fowler would be a ‘feel good’ thing and that’s about it.

    At NCSU the AD answers to and carries out the policy of the Chancellor, who gets his marching orders from the BOT. The faculty weigh in with their whine about coaches being paid more than professors. Ever wonder why MAF left, why she couldn’t get along with the the faculty. hint: it wasn’t her failure to raise NCSU athletics to that top of the heap.

    Let’s enjoy the mental masterbation of clamoring for Bobby Knight for AD. This is a new day. The Jim Valvano legacy of ‘institutional controls’ over the athletic department has changed the game and instituted a whole new set of rules to play by.

    We don’t get it. LF is doing the exact job that he is asked to do by our admin. There will be no loose cannon AD at NCSU in the foreseeable future. It would take a miracle on the magnitude of all Wolfpack fans pulling together to cause such a change. And that ain’t about to happen.

    We are like children agitating with the father for a new mother in the house because we don’t like how the house is run when it is being run exactly like the father wants is to be run and she is catering to his every wish.

  5. whitefang 02/20/2008 at 11:16 AM #

    While I actually like Bob Knight, I think as athletic director he would be probably be my next to last choice just ahead of a guy named Lee Fowler.

    Wonder how long it would take Knight to tell Oblinger, Murphy, et al. to jump up his ass?

  6. packbackr04 02/20/2008 at 11:19 AM #

    is NC state playing a basketball game tonight? oh

  7. whitefang 02/20/2008 at 11:20 AM #

    Lets hope they are PLAYING one rather than watching another team play one!

  8. wufpup76 02/20/2008 at 11:31 AM #

    let’s go pack tonight!

    just please fight hard and put up a good effort and i will be happy no matter what the outcome …

    a second half vs. clemson type of effort would be a good start 🙂

    goooo state!

  9. beowolf 02/20/2008 at 11:33 AM #

    Lately I’ve taken to PV vs. OV analysis (pessimistic view vs. optimistic view). I tend to favor optimism, so I always give OV the last word, but that doesn’t mean he always persuades me. For this game:

    PV: We haven’t shown enough ability to beat Carolina this year. I feel ill.

    OV: It’s not too late. This team has been brilliant at times. They went toe-to-toe in the second half against this same UNC squad.

    PV: Yeah, but that was after spotting them 30. This team has also looked like spotted dogsquat at times.

    OV: It’s UNC at home. They’ll be fired up. They were last year, remember?

    PV: They had actually won a big game before playing UNC last year. This year they’re on a losing streak coming in.

    OV: But they almost scored a great comeback win in the last game. They’ll be hungry.

    PV: Almost doesn’t put a W on the schedule. It could just mean they can’t seal the deal.

    OV: This is an opportunity to turn the season around in memorable fashion. It’s a no-lose situation for the team. They’re not supposed to win, but they can win, and if they did, it would be HUGE. I like the setup.

    PV: No argument there, but the sky ’round here is Carolina blue.

    OV: That may be, but the game is at night, and tonight the moon is going to turn red.

  10. wufpup76 02/20/2008 at 11:38 AM #
  11. Red_Terrors 02/20/2008 at 11:45 AM #

    ^ Too bad there aren’t any photos…

  12. packbackr04 02/20/2008 at 11:58 AM #

    the question is… will sid even bother to wear the red blazer tonight? i wish he would wear the plaid norm sloan blazer personally

  13. Trip 02/20/2008 at 12:08 PM #

    There’s no doubt that Sid will rock the red blazer tonight in my opinion.

    I’ll be there, in red, with dreams of an upset. Hopefully that dream won’t come crashing down in the first 10 minutes.

    Gavin once again opened his big mouth though, at the Ram Roast he promised a win tonight. Lets see if he can hold this promise.

  14. packbackr04 02/20/2008 at 12:16 PM #

    oh, pheww, for a second there i thought you were talking about Brandon when you said something about an open mouth. and i was scared, very scared

  15. ruffles31 02/20/2008 at 12:19 PM #

    Anyone else notice the irony in the new party:

    Lunatic Fringe Party = LF Party

    Lee Fowler = LF

    The LF Party is trying to oust LF.

    After the fact I am begining to wish the party had hired a think tank before issueing a press release with an official name. Too late now, sometimes it’s just best to go with your first thought and dive in head first.

    Some of the problems down the road I expect to have to deal with is our opponnents calling us by our letter title too often. After awhile you here so many “LFP movement” references and you begin to imagine other like names, like IRA and ETA.

  16. packpigskinfan23 02/20/2008 at 12:24 PM #

    sorry for being young and stupid, but is Carolina’s trademark seriously an ugly, gaudy, over priced- WATER FOUNTAIN?!?

    any everyone wonders why we call them a bunch of spoiled- whiny- bitches.

  17. beowolf 02/20/2008 at 12:26 PM #

    It’s not just a water fountain. It’s the Greatest Water Fountain in the Whole Wide World.

  18. Wait_Til_This_Year 02/20/2008 at 12:30 PM #

    Fowler made a big mistake, when after we simply got into the NCAAT, he stood with Herb under a big “Mission Accomplished” sign.

  19. WolftownVA81 02/20/2008 at 12:40 PM #

    I thought they had indoor plumbing over in Chapel Hill?

  20. LRM 02/20/2008 at 12:51 PM #

    Read. my. lips. No. new. Fowlers.

  21. Wait_Til_This_Year 02/20/2008 at 1:01 PM #

    I do believe that fountain has been used as a bathroom on several occasions. In fact, I’m not even sure it was ever really sanitary. So in other words, it’s not even useful as a water fountain. It’s just something they keep taking pictures of.

  22. old13 02/20/2008 at 1:03 PM #

    Knight is not the kind of person I’d like to see representing NCSU – he’s got too much bad baggage! I’d rather see Charlie Cobb move over from Happy Appy as he has certainly done good things there. And he’s a State guy! Or let Purcell give it a go. With those two names, I believe we could do well. In any case, we need a REAL AD – not the figurehead, do-nothing, incompetent boob (not that kind!) we now have occupying the position.

  23. packbackr04 02/20/2008 at 1:54 PM #

    also, from a da vinci code perspective. the well could be seen as a sign of the femininity. where as the bell tower at NCSU,,,, well you get the picture.

  24. lush 02/20/2008 at 3:56 PM #


    i got your ticket if you wanna make the drive. holler at me

  25. ncsuftw01 02/20/2008 at 4:02 PM #

    I mean the moon is going to bed read tonight…

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