Carolina March Comments on SFN Piece


Link to blog entry (that will generate more traffic than that site will know what to do with)

Statefans Nation has a well-written rant on hating UNC centering on a basketball victory in 1998. It hits every unconscious tic of Wolfpack fandom – unjustified complaints about the refs, complaints about Herb Sendek, paeans toward Jim Valvano, and immense pride in something that no one else really cares about. (And in this case isn’t even true; North Carolina A&T is also a land grant university. Either way, I’m glad you’re a fan Morrill Act and all, but who really cares?) What struck me most about the article was the game. I don’t remember it at all, and I was there.

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9 Responses to Carolina March Comments on SFN Piece

  1. WendellPackster 01/12/2008 at 9:55 AM #

    “What struck me most about the article was the game. I don’t remember it at all, and I was there.” — I’d say that sums up the typical hole’s fan and their since of pride for their school. I can remember every game win or lose with those terds. He was probably just there for the ‘whine’ and cheese.

  2. LRM 01/12/2008 at 10:16 AM #

    Cool. Maybe all those Carolina fans will click on google ads for SFN.

    It’s actually a decent site for some analysis and even has a few off-handed comments about State, which makes it fun.

  3. Todd 01/12/2008 at 10:42 AM #

    I agree LRM, I was suprised what a “decent” site a hole fan could have. Feel free to link us there again when they mention State or SFN.

  4. TopTenPack 01/12/2008 at 1:02 PM #

    We should thank Carolina March for demonstrating why I personally despise UNX. UNX once was the land grant university for NC but failed to support business and farmers. NC State was then born. While UNX is trying to be a Public Ivy, NC State is supporting needed industry throw degrees in pulp & paper and textiles. NC needs both UNX and NC State.

  5. blpack 01/12/2008 at 2:16 PM #

    Unc-ch has forsaken the NC kids trying to get in. Would rather have out of state tuition than money from it’s own state. Charles Korault called it ‘the university of the people’. Which people? He was always an honorable man and could be trusted.

  6. TopTenPack 01/12/2008 at 6:58 PM #

    throw -> through

  7. redfred2 01/12/2008 at 9:45 PM #

    SFN closed the thread on me so I’m sticking this post somewhere…

    “So, as soon as we get rid of Grant, McCauley, Costner, and Fells, we’ll be fine??”

    No I wouldn’t say that exactly. But I would say that 50%, that’s two of the four that you mentioned spend waaay too much time playing offense only outside of, and are still obsessed with shooting from, THE THREE POINT ARC.

  8. Sw0rdf1sh 01/13/2008 at 8:46 AM #

    That was the weakest blog site mine eyes have ever had the displeasure of viewing.

    Spoken just like a guy with a silver spoon protruding.

  9. backinpack 01/14/2008 at 2:42 PM #

    I love hearing Charles Kuralt’s voice in those commercials after the news came out about his ‘second family’ that no one knew about until his Montana wife was given the house out there by the Supreme Court of Montana. From wikipedia:

    But two years after his death, Kuralt’s personal reputation came under scrutiny when a decades-long companionship with a Montana woman was made public. Kuralt apparently had a second, “shadow” family while his estranged wife lived in New York City, and his daughters from a previous marriage lived on the eastern seaboard. Kuralt’s Montana companion asserted that the house in Montana had been willed to her, a position upheld by the state’s supreme court.

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