Peter Golenbock guest on the DG show today

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    Peter Golenbock was a guest on the David Glenn radio show a few minutes ago. When asked “why not write on UNC now?” the response was (paraphrasing) “it’s not even a story in today’s world, everybody’s doing it”.

    … And on the accuracy of his book on NCSU — in the book he said V graduated no players, but later one player’s parents contacted him to say their son graduated.

    And at one point made the comment ” it’s been 25 years, get over it”, oblivious to the far reaching ripples.


    I will never get over it. Like I will never get over macho grande!


    I guess Smokey is trying to troll State fans into listening more often.

    That conversation had to be a competition entry for trophy “Biggest Douche in the Universe” – at least as far as State fans are concerned. Golenfabrications wins that one hands down, imo.


    What in the HELL is Peter’s Golenbock’s relevance in 2014? If you’ve ever needed anything more to support the obvious that Dave Glenn’s show (owned by Don Curtis) has an agenda then this should be exhibit one.

    The point that Golenbock makes is that “Valvano didn’t graduate his players” is the central core of this whole issue. At NC State in 1980s, players absolutely remained eligible by taking a hodge podge of courses that were not in a ‘track’ that advanced them towards graduating with a specific degree. But, of course, after 6 or 7 truly INDEPENDENT investigations, it was learned that NEVER ONCE was a grade inappropriately changed or was academic credit not legitimately EARNED by the athlete.

    But today, evidently, “everybody” sets up fake majors, changes over 500 grades and has over 200 fake classes all designed to ‘graduate’ players…so, everything is ok.

    Surely the super smart and rational Dave Glenn highlighted these facts and points, right?

    Where do these morons get their crazy pills?

    To explain just a little more on the insanity of the hypocrisy here, you’ve got to click here to learn more about the consequences for breaking the “spirit, not the letter of the law”

    Spangler’s report faulted Valvano for failure to provide adequate oversight of players’ academic progress and for encouraging course loads designed to maintain athletic eligibility rather than to form ”a coherent program of study.” Valvano was further criticized for recruiting players who had no reasonable expectation of graduation.

    For the record, there were no implications of players cheating or improper assistance by any tutors at Jim Valvano’s NC State. There was no institutionalized cheating or academic fraud within the University. There was no grade-fixing. Players who did not deserve to matriculate or graduate were, in fact, not graduating and therefore not destroying the value of the diploma that so many hang so proudly. Nor were there accusations that agents were paying for players’ trips to Miami or California or funneling money through coaches to players.

    And, most importantly, it seems that few folks recognize that every sanction leveled upon the State Basketball program was self-imposed by the University, and that the NCAA found this internal punishment satisfactory.


    I penned that “Spirit…” Column a few years ago, and I remember making the conscious decision long before that to never put that self-serving asshole’s name in print, for fear some curious kid may google it and believe the driveling, lying vitriol he spewed in a book rife with errors and mischaracterizations of even the most basic of facts (for instance, he didn’t even fact check players names and years they were in school, and consistently misspelled mascots, etc).


    I don’t have anything to say to either of the people whose names appear in the title of this thread that doesn’t start with “F” and end with “you”.


    Peter Golenbock is a tool and the former manager who provided him with “a story” is a pathological liar and a money grubbing dirtbag who I know personally and have had the misfortune of dealing with frequently over the past decade. Valvano was a great man who was unfairly hurt and slandered at the end of a good life by a couple of pathetic people. It is a sad shame.


    To quote Golenbock’s own website:

    “His next book, Personal Fouls, took a look at the corruption of college basketball in general and in specific through the program at North Carolina State University as it was run by the late Jim Valvano…. Its publication helped spark a revolution in college athletics with educators and administrators passing rules to try to insure that college athletes leave school with an education and not just a pile of press clippings.”

    Bang-up job there, Pete. Yep, no need to write about the school in Chapel Hill; we had ourselves a revolution. Well, one half-assed book based on almost entirely one source nursing a grudge doesn’t make for a revolution.


    F***ing hate that guy. End quote, roll credits, middle finger.


    Peter Golenbock is a tool and the former manager who provided him with “a story” is a pathological liar and a money grubbing dirtbag who I know personally and have had the misfortune of dealing with frequently over the past decade. Valvano was a great man who was unfairly hurt and slandered at the end of a good life by a couple of pathetic people. It is a sad shame.

    Tell us more about dealing with him personally over the last decade!!!


    I listened to Douche Glenn’s interview with this guy, and the quote that stood out to me was Golenbock saying that several players agreed to do interviews but refused to PUT THEIR NAME to the quotes in the book. So, consistently Golenbock admitted that he used the phrase ‘an unnamed source’ multiple times to cover the identities of the so-called supporting witnesses of the incidents that took place. Second major point of contention was that Golenbock referred to the disgruntled trainer as an ‘assistant coach’ which I’ve heard no one else ever claim this guy was. I’ve heard ‘trainer’ used by everyone else to describe this person. I teach HS English and wouldn’t accept that type of garbage from them, but in the ‘sports journalism’ world, I guess ‘unnamed’ source is resource #1!!

    Golenbock’s notion of ‘Everyone’s cheating so I don’t bother with it’ garbage was the second thing that Douche Glenn didn’t bother addressing. You wrote a book about college athletic scandal and apparently that book was just the tip of the iceberg and Golenbock felt no further need to address the ocean’s worth of scandal and depravity in the college athletic scene. Ostrich syndrome, anyone?




    That assholes’s book was widely discredited soon after publication.

    However, what followed was nothing but an opportunistic witch hunt that crippled a program that until then had always been entirely on par with UNC. Subsequently, because every entity with jurisdiction was looking at N.C. State, this put The Flagship in a position to implement the system of fraud it perfected over the next two decades.

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