One Week Left

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    We have one week (and a couple of days) until the end of the regular season.  
    [See the full post at: One Week Left]


    Good analysis. I think if we win the last 3 and at least one in the ACC tournament, we’re in. Let’s get it done.

    A lot of the power conferences are weak this year. There are bids up for grabs, particularly due to the consolidated leagues.


    Does anyone else smell a strong finish and good run in the ACC tourney all to end up just short and get a high NIT seed? We’ve been there before and heading down the same road.


    at least one in the ACC tournament, we’re in.

    Thursday losses are horrible, but Thursday wins are virtually meaningless.

    New ACC Tournament Format


    Obviously, Va knows lightyears more than I when it comes to tourney selection but I would venture to say that we need to win the next three, make a run to the ACC chamionship game and have a good showing there before even having a chance to sniff the NCAA.

    What do you think Va?


    I wouldn’t bet my house on it, but I’m hoping that 2-1 (demoralized loss to UM followed by a win @Pitt and BC) and a Friday win would be enough. Less than that will surely not be enough.


    Does anyone else smell a strong finish and good run in the ACC tourney all to end up just short and get a high NIT seed?

    No. A run to the ACCT championship game (while unlikely) would be enough this year. State just had too many losses in Sid’s first year for anything less than the conference championship to get in.


    But, but, but, but Joe Ovies said we are out after last night’s loss and short of winning the ACC tourney we are not going. He knows everything VA82. I don’t know who to trust anymore.

    Pfft that Ovies is a REAL tool. I wish he had stayed in Miami and was their alumni.


    Thank goodness it is almost over. This has been the most frustrating Men’s BBall team to watch in a long while-more so then last year. They have out worked just about everyone this season but keep inventing ways to piss themselves with under a minute to go. We could put in the scrubs under a minute to go in any game and get the same result 9 out of 10 times. I’ve never seen a team so afraid of winning before.


    I’m surprised. More optimism here than I expected. Certainly more than I have.

    I would love to see our guys get rewarded for a pretty good year.
    We lost a whole team at the end of last year. Four of those guys are getting paid to play basketball this year. (and maybe five – I’m looking at you, UConn)

    Very quick, simplistic comparisons – assuming we win out: (BIG assumption)

    Overall regular season record: 22/9 versus 20/11
    ACC record: 11/7 versus 10/8
    Road wins: 3 ACC road, 2 neutral versus 4 ACC road, 2 OOC road
    Scoring: 77.4 pts / 70.2 points allowed versus 70.9 pts / 69.5 allowed

    The point being, this could have been a train wreck year – and it wasn’t.


    I’m not seeing it. We are big 0-8 vs the RPI top 50. We have zero wins of any consequence and versus the top 4 in our conference we are 0-5 with two of those being blowouts and two being games in which we had the lead with under 10 seconds left. I feel bad because this team has come within a few “only in the ACC” type calls of being a lock. But if I saw a team with our record get in, I would think it was ridiculous. I don’t see us making the dance unless we win the ACCT.


    GoWolves – TOTALLY agree with you on Ovies and the other guy (the one that yells everything and can’t say a sentence without the word UH in it) on their show.
    Just a terrible show. Stopped listening not long after they started, as soon as I realized they have no knowledge, just attitude, and only say stuff to get phone callers. Very amateurish.


    But if I saw a team with our record get in, I would think it was ridiculous.

    So would anyone that bothered to look. However, absolutely no one is talking about getting in with the current record.

    I’m not seeing it. We are big 0-8 vs the RPI top 50. We have zero wins of any consequence and versus the top 4 in our conference we are 0-5

    Pitt is IN on every bracket that I’ve looked at. They are 1-6 vs RPI Top 50 (win against #40 Stanford) and are also 0-5 against the Top 4 in the ACC.


    ^I actually like listening to Adam Gold. He seems pretty fair minded IMHO. Ovies, he just seems to regurgitate what other people say and try to make comments just to get a reaction. But even he I can listen to without much problem. It’s David Glenn that totally pisses me off.


    I’m surprised. More optimism here than I expected. Certainly more than I have.

    I don’t have much optimism either. But it doesn’t take any at all to say “This is what they have to do.”

    Optimism would be “I think that they will make it in.”


    The only way I see State in the NCAAT is for them to win the ACCT. It is illogical to think that State could close out Miami, Pitt and BC and then win one in the ACCT, and be invited to the NCAAT on that. Beating a .500 team and a 7-win team at home, plus beating a team on the road that this column puts on the bubble won’t exactly enhance the Wolfpack in the eyes of the NCAAT Selection Committee.

    In fact, not only will it be NIT, but there’s a good probability we could be on the road if selected.

    I’m got LTR seats, but several years ago I bought my last NIT ticket. I am absolutely done with patronizing mediocrity. I know I’m going to get hammered by the OH, QUIT WHINING- THEY’RE JUST A YOUNG TEAM, GIVE THEM MORE TIME crowd. Whatever.

    This basketball program needs not only wholesale changes, but I now believe that our athletic program needs a complete housecleaning, from the top down, with exploration of how we can get out of this miserable league and into a conference where we’d be a valued member instead of cannon fodder for a few select teams who will continue to receive preferred status in everything from scheduling to officiating.


    Note that this column absolutely does not put Pitt on the bubble. They are in by every projection that I’ve seen. (But that would quickly change with a few more losses.)

    As I said just below the bubble graph, the ranges are screening criteria based on historical data. They are not intended to be an absolute judgement.



    1. We will play the Holes in the Tournament… We WILL win that game.

    2. CUZ will be back in Raleigh next season…
    as one of the TEAM leaders on a TEAM with something to prove…

    3. And so will a new and improved ANTHONY….
    who miraculously learns how to play point guard over the off season.

    4. And so will Coach LUTZ…. who doesn’t take his own gig…

    5. Our kids finish this season with momentum, energy and enthusiasm…

    If that means a NIT championship… then that’s ok with me….
    Regardless… they have a lot to be proud of with respect to their accomplishments as a TEAM this season and all that needs to carry over to next year…. Let’s put the days of two steps forward and one step backwards behind us for good.

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!

    More optimism….

    1. Coach Rat retires…

    2. Uncle Roy sticks around for one more ‘exhausting’ season babysitting the cheaters and goes 0 for four against the Pack… counting the Pack victory over the Holes in the 2014 tournament…

    3. Swofford retires… and writes a tell-all book that once and for all …
    that documents the nonsense of the ‘referee conspiracy’… by proving, beyond a shadow of anyone’s doubt, that the whole thing was a twenty five year ‘deal’ … started and financed by B.Poulton,…

    The ensuing lawsuits result in reparations to NCState in the amount of $100,000,000 which the Wolfpack Club uses to tear down the RBC/PNC and to build a real basketball gym where Haralson Hall is or used to be….

    4. Rick gets a new job making three times his current salary working near PackerInRussia… GMT +9… and can’t post for ten hours straight after games anymore….

    5. The Twerps re-nig on their BIG10 deal…. so we can keep kicking their a$$es….

    6. The NCAA has their doors closed forever as a result of the *NC academic scandal….

    7. NCState Football goes 8-4 in 2014-15….

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!

    Are Ovies and Glenn related, maybe old classmates or something? He did spend time in Miami, after all. Though it manifests itself differently in each tool, there’s a strong similarity to their “I’m the smartest man in the room” smugness.


    CUZ will be back in Raleigh next season…
    as one of the TEAM leaders on a TEAM with something to prove…

    Huh?… So you know something we don’t? Or are you just getting back from Colorado?


    Careful bill, you’ll wind up in the loony bin if people hear you talking like that.


    Coach Rat retires…

    Though I’m no Duke fan, I fear an ACC w/o Coach Rat hurts us all. Unlike Roy, I have buku respect for both Coach K and Mike Krzyzewski. I may often dislike Coach K, but he has my respect.


    Bill.onthebeach – Please let us all know where we can get some of what you are drinking / smoking / whatever. Sounds like killer stuff.


    PapaWolf …

    all natural ingredients….
    mix one part total frustration, one part imagination and one part history…
    shaken not stirred…
    with a twist of wolfpackred…
    let it sit until motionless…

    serve straight up…

    enjoy with friends…

    Besides… Wolf82 asked for optimism, not ‘shine from the footballs of the Commonwealth… right ??

    Plenty of stuff on that “Twelve Days of Christmas for WolfPack fans everywhere” list above….

    Let us know what your personal favorite is and maybe we can put that up on….
    We aim to please….


    Note… player/personnel rumors are inevitable…
    so we might as well start some good ones…
    Who knows what difference they might make.

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!
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