Former Dean at UNC corroborates Willinghams claims

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    this one could hurt. Levine sounds like she is Highly respected and she has nothing to gain from this. AND she calls for a true independant investigation! where is the BOG’s on this?


    Uh oh! Good for her for coming forward.


    I cant wait for Folt to call Levine a liar and try to discredit her.


    She teaches Russian & Slavic Languages? That’s some very poor advising to steer an illiterate athlete towards that department. Must have meant Swahili- and ended up Slavic.


    This story is better than “EverReady” batteries…
    …and of course it is Friday…isn’t it?

    The “little engine that could” train headed to total NCAA reform just keeps going, and going, and going….

    Wonder what happens when the *NC football & bball players join the Union Organizers from Northwestern…???

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!

    It’s getting warmer over on the Hill. I can’t wait until this reaches the the Dean of Deans.



    We’re going to ‘hear’ next week that Levine ran an escort service and didn’t ‘fit in’ at the Hole. She was ‘interim’ for a reason!!!


    I guess if you haven’t been imprisoned in a South American country then you don’t fit in on their academic staff


    U lost me there Statefans. Care to elaborate?


    Dean . . . traveled to New York City and met with a Bloomberg Businessweek assistant managing editor, Paul Barrett, who has written several columns this month chastising UNC over its handling of the scandal.

    UNC-Ch working hard to clean up the damage …


    It blows my mind that all of this stuff can come out, and the NCAA twiddles their thumbs.

    A single season post season ban for football and a few lost scholarships…

    No LOIC, no vacated championships, despite ample evidence.



    this is tough for UNC, because they cant really come out and call Levine a liar like they did to Willingham. it will be interesting to see what card they play next.


    It blows my mind that all of this stuff can come out, and the NCAA twiddles their thumbs.

    Really? u*nc is clean. Dane Kane and the N&O’s are corrupt peddlers of lies. Haven’t you been paying attention?

    Given the White House’s “truth” and the accompanying twiddling of thumbs on Bhengazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, spying on reporters, AG lying under oath about James Rosen, Sebelius demands for payment from private companies that the HHS ‘might’ regulate, Solyndra et al, Lisa Jackson and “Richard Windsor”, the forced purging of “noncompliant” military leaders, and the firing of “noncompliant” IG’s, to say nothing of the disregard for the separation of powers and the exclusive right of congress to legislate, I’m surprised that anything would blow your mind on something as trivial as the lack of NCAA action on corrupt collegiate athletics.

    Good thing we all know that, like Dan Kane and the N&O, Fox News is to blame for all these “fake scandals”. Well, and George Bush too. We’re lucky Eric Holder knows the real scandals are with Dinesh D’souza and Mark Basseley Youssef.


    they cant really come out and call Levine a liar

    They can’t? Are you sure? Well, maybe. But they can certainly say she misunderstood, wasn’t in position to know all the facts, was misguided/mislead/misinformed, watched Fox News, is a racist, or wants to starve little children and push grandma off a cliff.

    And no, political comments are not off topic here. The u*nc scandals, or lack of action on them, is all about politics. It’s all the same thing, same mindset, same philosophy. Just a different arena.


    Bob Lee shines a spotlight on the elephant in the room few are willing to look at

    Neither UNC nor The N&O have the courage to mention that:

    (1) All the athletes of questionable academic acumen are “black”; and
    (2) The center of academic shenanigans is AfAm Studies headed by a black professor.


    Given the White House’s “truth” and the accompanying twiddling of thumbs on Bhengazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, spying on reporters, AG lying under oath about James Rosen, Sebelius demands for payment from private companies that the HHS ‘might’ regulate, Solyndra et al, Lisa Jackson and “Richard Windsor”, the forced purging of “noncompliant” military leaders, and the firing of “noncompliant” IG’s, to say nothing of the disregard for the separation of powers and the exclusive right of congress to legislate, I’m surprised that anything would blow your mind on something as trivial as the lack of NCAA action on corrupt collegiate athletics.

    That’s so ridiculously unrelated I don’t even know how to respond.

    Maybe you should step outside of your bubble every now and then.


    BobLee now playing the Deflection card. When all else fails, result to sanctimony wrapped in ever-righteous indignation!!


    That’s so ridiculously unrelated I don’t even know how to respond.

    Like a fish not knowing it’s wet, I didn’t expect you to understand.

    Maybe you should step outside of your bubble every now and then.

    That’s funny, on so many levels.


    No, I completely get that your entire waking existence revolves around spouting ‘Obama sux’ at every possible opportunity.

    I get that you think it’s related because UNC BAD and OBAMA ALSO BAD.

    Why don’t you just start the Nobama megathread and get it out of the way? Then you and I can sit around and circle jerk about it without cluttering up a perfectly good UNC bashing thread.


    I think that BobLee has somewhat missed the mark.

    It’s true that too many FB and BB players are unprepared for college-level work.
    It’s true that most of those that are unprepared are black.
    It’s true that schools have set up eligibility majors for years.

    But none of those facts lie at the heart of the UNC issue. UNC lowered themselves into the same cesspool as the lowest of the low-end mail order degree programs. In other words, write us a check and we’ll give you a degree.



    But none of those facts lie at the heart of the UNC issue. UNC lowered themselves into the same cesspool as the lowest of the low-end mail order degree programs. In other words, write us a check and we’ll give you a degree.

    Va-Exactly, this puts the u*nx charlatans in proper perspective-well done.

    Guess that would make the holes UNC-CHarlatans…


    Just so ya know …that’s what the Elephant, camel, and Gorilla is about. You probably don’t know Mel as well as you think you might.


    No, I completely get that your entire waking existence revolves around spouting ‘Obama sux’ at every possible opportunity.

    Sad. Obama’s not the problem. You still don’t get it. My first such comment here in about 6 months. But yeah I’m done. Some got the analogy, some didn’t. Apologies for getting your panties in bunch.


    BobLee now playing the Deflection card. When all else fails, result to sanctimony wrapped in ever-righteous indignation!!

    Could not have been said better

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