Feinstein Calls for NCAA to Hammer UNC

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    Never in history has there been an NCAA investigation like the one that is (still) ongoing at the University of North Carolina. Now, six years after the initial investigation began, it appears that the school will finally have its day in NCAA Court on August 14th…

    …the NCAA MUST punish UNC heavily. If you are going to claim that those who represent you in sports are “student-athletes,” then you cannot turn around and say the NCAA does not have the right to sanction you for academic fraud.



    unc delenda est



    Wishful thinking McCallum imo. But a nice thought.


    ok kaka


    Believe it when I see it


    It’s a pretty big deal having Feinstein weigh in on this so forcefully. When it comes to college basketball and sports in general, he is as respected as anyone out there. He’s not a bomb thrower… And he is very connected. He has earned his gravitas not by appealing to the lowest common denominator or from being a former player, but rather producing some of the best sports books of our time. The guy is on ESPN and NPR.

    Please notice how his opinion is much different from those who are actually employed in a full time capacity by an entity that I have come to view as representative of society in general, not just sports.

    Quite honestly, given his extensive connections and his background – I expected the same “everybody has easy classes” response so typical in the industry. For a guy who has written about the best of college sports and was written about them in glowing fashion – this is a big deal.


    It’s refreshing to see that someone in the mainstream sports media gets it. Wonder how many Friday’s after the hearing we’ll have to wait for the results? Would be nice if the NCAA promptly issues their verdict. The holes have gotten enough free passes to date and I’d love to see them taken down before the first football game is played.


    As I’ve said before, I’ll be more suprised to read about UNSux being HEAVILY punished than I’d be if a 2018 Ferarri ended up in my driveway with the keys in my mail box. Not gonna happen yet something tells me after the August hearing we’ll all still be talking about it with wishful thinking.


    I of course also appreciate the public acknowledgement of someone as respected and known as Fienstein….it still won’t be enough


    Short of the death penalty….
    Losing in the Court of Public Opinion will “hurt” UNx’s feelings as much, if not more than, in the Halls of Justice.

    We know that got money and can pay off and not blink….

    Maybe the tides are shifting…
    BF is a big fish, known to make waves on occasion….


    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!

    About time for a new revelation to kick the can down the road.


    Yet somehow in this day and age, unlike Personal Fouls in the 1987-1989,these two books never got coverage from MSM. I have read all three and the allegations and facts in the two on UNC-CH far outweighs anything in Golenbock’s book. So yet again I will continue to ignore any UNC-CH alumni who defends that program. I refuse to do business with them. If they can’t see and accept some criticism of that program then I can’t trust them in business period.


    It is pretty clear from the NCAA response to the UNC-CHeat response, that the COI is none too pleased with how the PR team has lied and how the delays have been manufactured by the holes. They correctly view the crimes as unprecedented in duration and brazenness. I was particularly encouraged by the statement confirming that schools that operated within the rules were placed at a competitive disadvantage. They understand what went on and why it went on very clearly. Punishment is the only thing that is hanging. I think they are going to come down fairly harshly. I think they have heard from schools that had cheating on the part of 1-2 officials impacting 5-10 players who were banned for a year. They want proportional punishment for a 20 year organized cheating system that involved multiple sports and multiple parts of the university.


    Nothing less than leveling the place and covering it with a lake would satisfy me.



    This brings to mind the old “fill it up with water joke” with the genie. I’m sure everybody’s heard it.


    Any way this goes, the NCAA has to be lawyered up to the hilt. Because they are getting sued.

    If they drop the hammer on unx, they are getting sued. By unx.

    If they let them off with anything remotely close to what most of us think they are going to get (read: wrist slap), they are getting sued. By numerous member institutions, some within the ACC and a lot within the SEC and elsewhere within the member conferences.

    unx has created a huge amount of trouble for the NCAA and it likely represents a breaking point, and a major reorganization of college sports.

    I think, either way this goes, the NCAA will not exist in its present form going forward.


    From the NCAA, I’d be satisfied with 2 years probation for Mens bball, fball, baseball, losing 2 Natty’s and scholarship reductions for 5 years. Anything less will be unjust IMO.

    Also, the cheats should forfeit all ACC championships during the timeframe. The runner ups should be retroactively rewarded ACC tourney championships by the conference.


    The ACC would never go for it as long as Swoffy is commish. What surprises me is this was all instituted under his watch and no one is calling for his accountability in this. The NCAA has been on the verge of collapsing for years, this may be the straw that breaks the camels back. I don’t see any ACC schools suing the NCAA if UNC gets off.

    What i really want is for Clemson president to be at the hearing, level swift and severe punishment then turn to Swofford and and say ” The North Remembers….Winter is Coming”


    To quote the late, great, Hunter S. Thompson: They should be F’ed, broken and driven from the land.

    Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy. Mao Zedong


    ^The Gonzo Jounalist was good, but I like Conan the Barbarian even better:

    “Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women. Mongol General: That is good! That is good.”


    Eh, Conan was ripping off a quote from Genghis Khan. Frickin’ barbarian plagiarist!

    Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy. Mao Zedong


    ^Wow, indeed…somebody cue the theme from ‘The Twilight Zone’!

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