Archie Miller Q&A

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    Link to USA Today

    Snow has blanketed the picturesque Dayton campus on a blustery single-digit-temperatures late February afternoon. As coach Archie Miller thumbs through last year’s practice plans and pores over this year’s, he’s amazed at the difference.

    He could ride his guys nearly double the amount of time he’s riding his guys now. Ninety minutes last year, just 45 right now. It makes sense; he had a lot more players back then. Right now, his roster is down to six scholarship players (seven, if you add walk-on Bobby Wehrli, who was given a scholarship last month). None are taller than 6-6.

    Entering the season, Miller’s squad had already lost quite a bit from a team that reached the Elite Eight. Players graduated; a couple transferred out. And then in mid-December, forwards Devon Scott and Jalen Robinson were dismissed from the team for violations of team rules.

    Instead of folding, the Flyers shifted gears and tweaked their style of play. They kept winning games.

    Meanwhile, the coaching staff began paying extra attention to the lengths of practice and the amount of physicality; the team can’t afford serious injuries. In games, Dayton can’t afford serious foul trouble, either. Miller jokes that the best part about college basketball games are, well, you only need to put five guys out on the floor at one time. Five? He’s definitely got five.

    Miller says he constantly runs into folks around town and on campus, congratulating him for an incredible regular season. It’s been a strong one by any measure — the Flyers are 21-6 and tied for first place in the Atlantic 10 heading into a marquee matchup at Virginia Commonwealth on Saturday — but all Miller can think of are his practice plans, more in-game adjustments and keeping his guys healthy enough to compete, and compete well. That’s how coaches operate, he supposes, worrying about what’s next and how to prepare for it.

    Miller sat down with USA TODAY Sports national college basketball reporter Nicole Auerbach this week to talk about the unique challenges this season has brought, a reflection of last year’s Elite Eight run and why he’s so happy in Dayton.




    I understand why you are posting this but I feel this was done for other reasons as well.


    Wishing Archie well but I suspect it will be a cold day before he or his brother coaches the home team in Raleigh. Not that there is anything wrong with either but simply time and place.


    How many games have Sean and Archie won in the Dean Dome and at Cameron?

    As Coaches?

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!

    I would love to see him here but it is not going to happen. He is going to get a big time job before Gott runs out his tenure.
    Anyone who has seen his teams play knows he has it. Sigh.


    How many games have Sean and Archie won in the Dean Dome and at Cameron?

    As Coaches?

    I assume it is fewer than the 1 (in each) Gott has but I would also ask how many opportunities have they had?


    Don’t believe either have had the opportunity.


    Don’t believe either have had the opportunity.

    Me either. I do not understand his point.


    The real point about Archie is not how good of a coach he is today. It’s more what will he become? I think he’s going to follow older bro’s lead and be one of the best in the business for a long long time.


    I would love to see him here but it is not going to happen. He is going to get a big time job before Gott runs out his tenure.
    Anyone who has seen his teams play knows he has it. Sigh.

    Yep, his teams play all out. He reminds me of Tony Bennett lite. His teams seem to be gritty.

    On the other site a couple of posters mention that he would never play for Yow. I have no clue if this is correct but does anyone know why that could be true?

    The timing is going to happen where somebody big picks him up and we are stuck with Herbv2. Only at NCSU


    Given that Arch is a grad, it is nice to see him doing well and if that were the reason this is linked, hooray.

    However, given that there are several here who think Arch is the savior of the program WHILE WE STILL HAVE A COACH, this is dirty pool.

    We have a date for the prom and we need to dance with our date. We cannot find another date at the prom and hope to go home with the new date.

    Do I think Arch will be a good coach? Yes I do

    Do I think Arch has potential? Yes I do

    Do I think he will make an excellent choice for some larger school in the future? Absolutely I do.

    However, in the time period of Archie’s head coaching Gott has a higher winning percentage. Gott has coached in a tougher league against better teams. Gott inherited a program in shambles while Archie inherited a program going strong. I am not saying Gott is a better coach, but I am also not saying Arch would have done any better or worse here. But PLEASE stop this nonsense until we need a new coach. All this speculation does is divide a fanbase and potentially influences recruits that might be concerned their coach is potentially leaving and the program is unstable.

    One final point – Arch has a shortage because a couple players transferred out. Some of you criticize Gott for transfers, yet it is OK for Arch to have transfers? And I think we have already discussed the players transferring out from Gott were positive moves for the program.


    However, in the time period of Archie’s head coaching Gott has a higher winning percentage. Gott has coached in a tougher league against better teams.

    Arch has an elite eight.
    Gott a sweet 16

    Gott is going to be here for a long while, I know it but I am going to be very upset when we end up not being able to hire the only top coaching prospect this school has produced in many years if ever. Which is going to make the annual bubble watch increasingly frustrating.


    Archie is going to be doing it a LONG time. That mattters. Just look at his brother’s career. Like it? Hard not to. And he’s headed that way.

    Like Rick has stated, the timing isn’t right. But it is going to stink to watch him take a program to Final Fours, for decades.


    FWIW, MarketWatch says I’m buying up all the Archie I can. Better early returns and much bigger upside. Gott is merely a hold.


    Anyone who has seen his teams play knows he has it.

    I have watched several times, most notably the loss to Duquesne. I don’t wish Archie anything but the best but I just don’t get the fascination with him. I did not see anything either offensively or defensively that made me go wow, those guys really know how to play. We’ve tried the former player thing, who unquestionably at the time was a great prospect and we were ecstatic to get him. Heck, we’ve even had both Archie and Sean on our staff. Like V always said, what do you think, the HC wouldn’t let em coach? Obviously Sean has gone on to prove his worth and Archie may well do the same, but the obsession with him in the middle of a dramatic improvement in our program makes no sense to me.


    Coach Gottfried has an Elite 8,too.

    Just cleaning up statements, that’s all.

    Oh…and there was that little thing called a National Championship as a righthand man.


    FWIW, MarketWatch says I’m buying up all the Archie I can. Better early returns and much bigger upside. Gott is merely a hold.



    I get the eerie feeling that Archie would’ve kept WBS, because he’s small, slow, and white. Maybe, maybe not. I just can’t shake it from my head. With all due respect, of course…

    I also think about how badly Brian Gregory has been stinking it up.

    I’m not gonna slit my wrists if he one day ends up at Pitt. I’m sure he’s on their radar too.

    My sights are set on LeVelle Moton if things turn sour with Gott. Phil Spence practically handpicked him.


    SFN just doing it’s part to discover and foster the next NC State fans / Rick Barnes obsession . . .


    Anyone who has seen his teams play knows he has it.

    I have watched several times, most notably the loss to Duquesne. I don’t wish Archie anything but the best but I just don’t get the fascination with him. I did not see anything either offensively or defensively that made me go wow, those guys really know how to play. We’ve tried the former player thing, who unquestionably at the time was a great prospect and we were ecstatic to get him. Heck, we’ve even had both Archie and Sean on our staff. Like V always said, what do you think, the HC wouldn’t let em coach? Obviously Sean has gone on to prove his worth and Archie may well do the same, but the obsession with him in the middle of a dramatic improvement in our program makes no sense to me.

    You thought Lowe was a great prospect? It was a dumster fire hire. no experience in college and a horrid record in the pros.
    Gott had an initial pop of improvement in the program (a significant pop I might add) but has been trending slowly downward since.
    Like I said we have what we have and he wil be here for a long while. We will regret missing on Arch.


    ^ Trending downward maybe if you are counting the number of burger babies on the squad. Performance on the court so far seems to be equal or maybe a slight improvement. Would Archie be the next coming? Maybe or maybe not as we have seen hiring from the midmajor ranks is a bit of a crap shoot. I happen to think Archie will do quite well but for many reasons I don’t see him in Raleigh in the near future. In a decade or so who knows.


    Comparing Archie as the NC State head coach with Gott as the NC State head coach is just not realistic. There is nothing but emotional upside to Archie (in this position), and currently nothing but emotional downside to Gott.

    If you took out the names and had an objective observer compare their resume’s, I would say most if not all of us would want the kind of credentials/experiences Gott has as opposed to Archie.

    For those who just like to pick fights, I’m not saying Archie isn’t a good coach, or even that Archie may not end up having a better coaching career than Gott. What I am saying is that the State fan base can’t even begin to make a smart decision about comparing these two right now.


    Comparing Archie as the NC State head coach with Gott as the NC State head coach is just not realistic. There is nothing but emotional upside to Archie (in this position), and currently nothing but emotional downside to Gott.

    If you took out the names and had an objective observer compare their resume’s, I would say most if not all of us would want the kind of credentials/experiences Gott has as opposed to Archie.

    For those who just like to pick fights, I’m not saying Archie isn’t a good coach, or even that Archie may not end up having a better coaching career than Gott. What I am saying is that the State fan base can’t even begin to make a smart decision about comparing these two right now.

    The big difference in my mind is potential. We know what we have with Gott there is a solid track record with a pretty apparent ceiling. With Arch we simply do not know but it seems he might be one of the next up and comers.


    Given that Arch is a grad, it is nice to see him doing well and if that were the reason this is linked, hooray.

    What other reason would their be?

    How the F*** do some of you guys immediately (a) presume that this has any reason being posted other than the obvious, and (b) start effectively criticizing and arguing with us about the ‘reasons’ for posting it.

    Archie is an alum of NC State who was in uniform within most of all our memories. He — and any other NC State players — who are doing things out there will get talked about in forums because they are doing great things in the world. When we post news about Vinny Del Negro or Sidney Lowe and their coaching moves nobody jumps to these conclusions. Sheesh. Relax guys.

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