AD Yow contacts the conference about Ga. Tech game

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    Coach Keatts and I spoke w the conference office at length this morning to express our concerns regarding a number of situations in the Ga Tech game.
    We will also send video clips for their review and discussion w us. We believe our concerns were heard.


    Two comments
    1) she must be crazy as many in the game thread said the refs were fine
    2) this doesn’t seem to matter. The ACC simply doesnt care


    The officials weren’t good. It seemed like we had four players with two fouls by the ten minute mark. The offensive foul on Dorn paired with a tech really took him out of the game. I think I’d have probably been teed up myself as a coach if that happened and then in turn I felt I couldn’t get an explanation.

    Tip of the cap to GT though. They had nothing to play for other than pride, had a thin roster, got down early and ground out a win. Their center played the best game I have seen him play (and likely statistically the best in his career). To me the game came down to our inability to get stops in the second half (which obviously wasn’t helped by the zebras).


    I’ll offer a few thoughts..

    #1) TV Teddy with the technical on Dorn was outrageous.
    #2) I personally thought that NO questionable calls went our way last night, while most questionable calls went the way of the Yellow Jackets. Announcer even mentioned something idiotic about refs didn’t call an “optional” foul for over the back on them. That was so ridiculous when he said that. Over the back is a foul. Nothing optional about it.
    #3) My most important point.. do NOT forget who runs this conference. The same guy who graduated from UNC and asked how recruiting would be affected when he found out UNC was being investigated. And do NOT forget what was on the line. We had a very real possibility of finishing ahead of UNC in the ACC standings with a win last night and a win against the Ville.

    Corruption within the NCAA (and everywhere else) exists, and is rampant in some places, folks. Why would any logical person think the wheels couldn’t be greased at the higher levels?


    blah, blah, blah…

    They just wanted to make sure Teddy was in the PNC Saturday…

    GO PACK!

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!

    I think I’d have probably been teed up myself as a coach if that happened and then in turn I felt I couldn’t get an explanation.

    I remember thinking the exact same thing. I would have probably been tossed actually.


    Where’s Avie Lester when we need him?!
    (“go in there and teach ’em a lesson!”)


    unless Dorn looked at the ref and cussed him out, that T was BS. If the ref is watching for everything you mutter under your breath that is uncalled for. Nobody noticed a danm thing until he paraded around like a peacock with his whistle


    There were some other issues. Like the T on Keats plus the stomp on Johnson’s arm and the ‘Chris Paul’ on BB. Seems they were issues to be discussed. Some could have been called right but there were several that were simply wrong. That does not take away from the Jackets intensity and play and the Pack’s lack.


    That does not take away from the Jackets intensity and play and the Pack’s lack.

    It does when refs are calling multiple ticky tack at best fouls on our boys in the 1st ten minutes of the game. Dorn literally started moving out of the way in order to not commit additional fouls.

    It’s especially detrimental to our aggressive style of play when the game is called tight on only our side.

    Sure, that’s not the only thing that cost us the game (I’m looking at you cement block feet Yurt7), but it was certainly a factor throughout the course of the game.


    I would blame Markell’s play before Yurt’s. Yurt actually had a decent game, he’s never gonna be fleet footed. Had Johnson just had an average game we likely would have won. Our bench is wholly unreliable. Abu played one of his worst games. I was screaming for Lennard to go back in…boy what senior seasons they’ve had.


    It appeared to me that Markel was limited after the stomp – might have been unintentional but it did happen. Y7 had a very good game and so did Lammers for the Jackets. Overall the team seemed to lose focus early in the 2nd.


    I think Y7 could be “faster” with improved footwork, better positioning and court awareness. He seems to get caught trying to guard a quicker, smaller guy which will always make a big guy look slow. Some of the adjectives used to describe his play just don’t seem fair to me.


    The only way we stop this officiating madness is if we start calling them out publicly. There are basically two options:
    1) Hold a press conference and announce that you are hiring an independent firm to look into bias against NC State (note, I chose bias because all too often one of the tactics used to counter the “officials hurt us more than team x” argument is to accuse those making that argument of saying there’s a conspiracy, when people aren’t saying that.) In the initial press conference announce that in 6 months you will hold a press conference to release the findings.

    2) Option 2 – hold a press conference similar to the one you held today (or actually hold a press conference to air your grievances) and say that this type of thing is ridiculous and it’s been a problem for a while. We have gone through the path prescribed by the conference and we aren’t getting anywhere. We refuse to let our athletes and coaches be treated like this. End the press conference there. Next time you see the treatment you got from TV teddy or Jamie Lucky in a nationally televised game – you pull your team off ths court. This needs to be done on the road and in the first half to maximize the impact, preferably at Cameron Indoor or the Dean Done. It’s the nuclear option, but it would get your point across in a dramatic statement.


    One thing I am worried about in today’s game is that AD Yow and coach Keatts will get there answer from the conference in today’s game. I expect the refs to deliver the conference message early and often. Especially if the first two games look favorable to a certain outcome.


    The only way we stop this officiating madness is if we start calling them out publicly

    And we need the conference commissioner to be previously unaffiliated with any of the schools. Honestly the ACC officiating overall appears to have become much better in recent years, but that seems to fly right out the window as soon as we have something on the line to play for.


    Two comments
    1) she must be crazy as many in the game thread said the refs were fine
    2) this doesn’t seem to matter. The ACC simply doesnt care

    Refs were not fine.
    Refs did not cost us the game, didn’t help either
    Send emails, letters, chats, texts, snapchats, facebook messenger nothing will matter.
    Pull the kids off the court or light the refs up in press conferences and refuse to accept any punishment from the NCAA.


    Two comments
    1) she must be crazy as many in the game thread said the refs were fine
    2) this doesn’t seem to matter. The ACC simply doesnt care

    Refs were not fine.
    Refs did not cost us the game, didn’t help either
    Send emails, letters, chats, texts, snapchats, facebook messenger nothing will matter.
    Pull the kids off the court or light the refs up in press conferences and refuse to accept any punishment from the NCAA.

    For most of those that watched the GA Tech game the refs were bad. Look at foul difference between the two teams without a difference in style and play plus the number of blocks GA Tech got versus the number fouls NC State got while performing the same block. Yurt got several blocks on Louisville that were clearly fouls by the GA Tech game standard.

    Then a winning respected ACC BB coach questions a call and gets a T …. missed the media outrage that was all the rage when same official ignored a UNC player (with no T).

    Whether the ACC cares or not I love we have an admin and coach that ain’t afraid to say “enough”. I will take my chances with KK coaching overcoming refs. Maybe the rest of the non Blues in the conference will decide to stand up for themselves too.

    Agreed that there should never be an Commissioner from a member (blue) school. I would be ok for one from any other team in the league. Hell I would take the ND president as the Commisioner. He gets it!


    Two comments
    1) she must be crazy as many in the game thread said the refs were fine
    2) this doesn’t seem to matter. The ACC simply doesnt care

    Refs were not fine.
    Refs did not cost us the game, didn’t help either
    Send emails, letters, chats, texts, snapchats, facebook messenger nothing will matter.
    Pull the kids off the court or light the refs up in press conferences and refuse to accept any punishment from the NCAA.

    For most of those that watched the GA Tech game the refs were bad. Look at foul difference between the two teams without a difference in style and play plus the number of blocks GA Tech got versus the number fouls NC State got while performing the same block. Yurt got several blocks on Louisville that were clearly fouls by the GA Tech game standard.

    Then a winning respected ACC BB coach questions a call and gets a T …. missed the media outrage that was all the rage when same official ignored a UNC player (with no T).

    Whether the ACC cares or not I love we have an admin and coach that ain’t afraid to say “enough”. I will take my chances with KK coaching overcoming refs. Maybe the rest of the non Blues in the conference will decide to stand up for themselves too.

    Agreed that there should never be an Commissioner from a member (blue) school. I would be ok for one from any other team in the league. Hell I would take the ND president as the Commisioner. He gets it!

    Brother, Rick believe me I know. Damnit I know. We get F’ed by officials on grass and on the hardwood, I know!!!! I stand by my opinion that it’s way too easy to penetrate on our defense. 57 fouls that game we still should have won. Now….

    Damn are you right about the Notre Dame AD!!!!



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