Reply To: Pack – Panthers NonGame Thread – 1/19/16….

Home Forums StateFans Basketball Pack – Panthers NonGame Thread – 1/19/16…. Reply To: Pack – Panthers NonGame Thread – 1/19/16….


Speaking of that…..have all the torches from the “GOTT’s GOTT to GO” crowd finally been extinguished. This should calm that down.

Regardless of which side of the issue you may be (or may NOT be) on, the bottom line. Debbie Yow has declared this a Rebuilding Season due to Trevor’s untimely and unexpected departure and Terry’s equally unplanned injury.

We are part of an elite 2.5% of all DI schools that have gone to the NCAA 4 years in a row and also made the Sweet 16. I got an email from her with some unsolicited comments. She seemed like she just needed to vent a little.

1-5 is hardly a ringing endorsement for the coach but it appears sides have been drawn and after every win we will see posts calling people out just as after every loss we see complaints about Gott. I seem to remember this from the last two failed coaches.

Of course Tow is calling this year a gimme. She is not going to get rid of Gott. She made a horrid decision giving him an extension so she is hardly going to put him on the hot seat. Those two are tied at the hip and he is here as long as she is here (see 2019). She is certainly better than Jed but that is not a high bar to hurdle.

I think we need to put up a statue to Gott to honor his incredible accomplishments. We are obviously the best of the best of the best.