Reply To: Tar heels down thin Wolfpack, 67-55

Home Forums All StateFansNation Tar heels down thin Wolfpack, 67-55 Reply To: Tar heels down thin Wolfpack, 67-55


The officiating won’t change until our leadership calls them out. Believe me, we’ve been politely complaining to the acc office for years about the officiating.

I think the best thing to do is the call them out publicly and question the integrity of the leadership. If that doesn’t yield results, pull the team off the court mid-game. You want to start a conversation… Do that -and then have the university back such a move.

Will that work? I have no idea, but doing things the “right way” and through the appropriate channels certainly hasn’t worked.

Regarding Gott – you have to remember – one of his lessons from his time @ Bama was that he gave too many scholarships to kids who in hindsight (his mind you) weren’t good enough.

What I would point out is that this is an indication of poor scouting and teaching. Anyone can identify the elite guys – but the best talent evaluators identify talent that everyone doesn’t want…and develops those guys.

One would think this season and his time at bama would have shown him that he needs more depth, but I see zero evidence of that thus far.