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the 1-3-1 with kids is borderline brilliant as most coaches at the lower levels lean heavily on a 2-3 because it’s a lot easier…
so then in practice they learn the offense that goes with the 2-3 …

when the kids try to play a 2-3 offense against a 1-3-1 it’s a total disaster…

now… what I did when I was coaching is this..
I would setup my zone defense so that it looked like a 2-3 …

The other Coach yells “ZONE” to his kids and they go into the 2-3 offense..
when the ball went to one side or the another the forward comes up and the guard traps and you in the 1-3-1…

try that…

Good idea. I want to execute the 1-3-1 correctly first (it was very chaotic today) but even if the other coach knows what to do, very few girls can hit the baseline shots needed to beat that zone.