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An Observation…

I hope Anthony “Cat” Barbour doesn’t get a complex of some sort about playing in the Dean Dome…
which might be the Number One reason he’s wearing Red and White his Senior Year…

We all remember the infamous CatAgainstTheWorld – 1 for 13 from the floor- game his freshman year…
Today it took all they had with THREE TarHOLES to keep the Cat on a leash…

Equal credit must be given to Coach and Anthony for all the hard work they both put in during the last two years…

Player Development is as important in evaluating Coaches as Wins and Losses…
We GOTT to give GOTT & Company a “A” in this..


Rick… of course… the idea that GOTT will be ACC Coach of the Year this year is absurb on seven different levels…

I was just trying to create an equilibrium of absurdity relative to the level of conversation on SFN lately…

Now do you your girls average more than 20 points a game and what kind of defense do you teach ’em ?

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