Reply To: “The most despicable act I have ever seen on a football field”

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kappa you are clearly out of your naïve and liberal mind (and most likely young). this was a criminal act, assault and battery. not only is there no excuse for players to plant a helmet in a ref possibly causing permanent injury or worse, there is no room in any GAME for such criminal behavior. lock em up and throw the book at them. plenty of refs I would have liked to punch for bad calls (esp at NCSU) but would never…and think if one of those punks caught him in the base of his skull with a helmet! first offense, are you kidding? go to jail on the first offense punk…it’s a game and only a game. And about the cops…are you crazy? Cops are among the most vulnerable and underappreciated than anytime in our history…and God help us if we (you) ever have to live where cops just give up. give it some thought. there are plenty of examples of what it would look like without their protection. if youre doing nothing wrong, you shouldn’t worry.