Reply To: Geno Auriemma: Men’s College Basketball Is “A Joke”

Home Forums All StateFansNation Geno Auriemma: Men’s College Basketball Is “A Joke” Reply To: Geno Auriemma: Men’s College Basketball Is “A Joke”


Quick thoughts:

– I agree with GA that the men’s game is borderline unwatchable at this point. It’s played by very athletic people with very few skills and the “defense” is nowhere near the rules.
– This only changes with calling the game as it is meant to be, stressing fundamentals at the lower levels and doing things like moving to the FIBA court and reducing the shot clock.
– If college basketball doesn’t fix this, then I think interest levels will continue to decline. Right now, it’s almost all about/only the tournament for the average sports fan.
– The women’s game is unwatchable, but that’s for other reasons. The girls actually do run a semblance of recognizable offensive sets though.
– I thought and still think we should have gone after GA for our men’s coach. There’s no way that a guy who has won that many games would not be successful.