Reply To: NCAA: It's not our job to ensure educational quality

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Chapel Hill and their Rogue Squadron are liable, imo. Rogue Squadron were acting as representatives of the University – rogue or no. Actively steering athletes to fraudulent classes presents liability … I don’t see how this can be viewed otherwise. Their attempts at “state protection” and the “athletes waited too long” are both gutless and shameless. I hope they are deservedly held to the fire.

I think the NCAA has some wiggle room (unfortunately) on the legal front. All their rhetoric and double-talk could ultimately cost them though. Upholding the integrity of their sanctioned sports though is in the mission statement … watching them skate around all this is funny yet profoundly sad.

The NCAA needs to die … but that also means Chapel Hill gets a complete walk, sports wise. At least “The Way” is over … and nothing more than a joke now. The really sad thing is that when the NCAA inevitably does die, the Holes will hold themselves up as “those who enacted and enabled the necessary changes for the betterment of student athletes”. “We knew what direction all this was headed in, we were just ahead of the curve, see!”. Sure, to hell with all the athletes you used up and discarded.

If the Cheats skate on the NCAA front and the ‘Power 5’ form their own autonomous ‘league’ and that new league will not punish for “past behavior” then they get away with everything unless the legal side burns them. They are the ‘Cheats’ now for all eternity so far as I’m concerned.