Reply To: Sweet 16 – Pack vs. Louisville!

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Per the Valvano reference, for those of you who were not around, Valvano was ripped during his time here. There were many none too pleased with Kenny Drummond, Murray State, Mike Giomi… who were saying it was time for him to move on. Even The Technician joined in.

Time and circumstance has caused such memories to fade, but it was there, and not in insignificant amounts.

This! I have posted this multiple times but it never seems to be understood. Some want to say Gott is no Valvano. Well I loved Valvano as a coach but he had not reached his potential not was he Rick Pitino statue. If he had been allowed to stay at State as think he would have been Coach K and past Dean Smith statue but he didn’t. What Gott has done in four years is equal to what Valvano did. Yes he won a magical NC but he also did not inherit a program that was sacrificed and left for dead almost 20+ years.