Reply To: 2014-15 Basketball – A Note of Thanks

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I mean this in the best way possible: that was one hell of a roller coaster.

It was a lot of fun.

The best part about it to me was seeing these kids come together as a team. It didn’t always work out with victories, but this was one of the more truly ‘together’ teams that I can remember. A group of really likable, unselfish guys.

‘They’ can say whatever they want to (and ‘they’ always do), but ‘they’ can’t change facts: this team beat Duke, WON AT THE HOUSE OF EVIL (Cheat Dome), and beat a #1 seed in a memorable NCAA tourney run. Regardless of what else happened along the way, that’s a hell of a year for a program that hasn’t had that combination of success in over 30 years.

I truly thank this team and staff for this past season. The future begins now … Let’s get back to work.

Go Pack