Reply To: State’s Season Ends in Sweet 16

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Lets root for ND from here on out. I am biased, I have degrees from both schools, but as much as I used to hate ND before I went there, I eventually realized that they care about young kids and fair competition.

Like it or not, when we had some [very small] issues, we cleaned up shop. Notre Dame isn’t perfect, but they respect competition, and would never institutionally cheat. (I do believe this. I also don’t think NC State would ever cheat like UNC).

UNC is the neighbor that drives a BMW and brags about his fancy vacations when you know he is cheating on his taxes and lying to his customers. ND is nothing like that.

We should be proud of our team. We competed. Even if we went up to Kentucky today, we wouldn’t have crapped our pants and laid down. We won many tough games when everything was on the line (starting at our game @LOU).