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Fayetteville observer has NOT info on condition…except what is here about his previous concussion. Focus, per ESPN, was on his neck. We were right across the way. He stayed on the deck what seemed like an eternity and the Refs just let Duke score and call ANOTHER foul….then looked at Cat. He did not move. The coaching staff would have had a T on them if they had come out….and the Ref had to signal…”Ok….pick up your wounded…”

Here is a quote from Abu about the incident. Shows real BB IQ…

“I take full responsibility for that one,” Abu said. “I just had scored and was running back to get on ‘D’ and Amile stayed. You expect your defender to run with you and try to get a transition bucket, and he stayed. By the time I turned around, Cat ran into him. It’s a learning experience as a freshman – always protect your point guard, and that’s crucial. I failed at that one.”

No word on Cat’s condition….