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Transitive hopes and dreams aside, the game is really about matchups. Round one in Raleigh, UNC withstood a rally to win. Paige had his usual good game, but what I recall is Tokoto’s defense against Lacey, with the resultant 5-19 performance. Despite what I’d like to think, Roy is not stupid. It worked last time, so I expect to see it again. Will we have an answer?

UNX’s strength is inside – when they play in the paint, they win. They’re good rebounders. Will our shot blockers give up crucial ORB’s while glory-seeking ill-timed blocked shots? Or will we alter the shots, body up, and get the damned ball?

It will be an incredibly hostile environment, fully charged. It’s not an accident that Roy called out the fans ahead of this game. Expect the place to be rocking (or, at least, what passes as “rocking” for them). It will take the best showing of the season to have a chance.