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“I am not sure how this would affect him with playing baseball this spring for FSU” – I would be shocked if he is on campus; there is no way he is going to class (assuming he has ever gone to class).

I listen to a lot of sports radio and all the talking heads/experts whose opinions I respect say there is no comparison between Winston and Mariota (as in that Winston is far and away a better pro prospect than Mariota). I can understand that and appreciate their evaluations. However, were I an NFL GM, in desperate need of a franchise QB there is no way I would draft either of them. I’d draft the next best player or trade the pick to the highest bidder and hope I can find my guy next year. I’ve heard a lot of experts talk about Winston’s high football IQ, but he comes across as a mental midget to me. I see Winston being an NFL bust; maybe not to the degree of a Ryan Leaf/Jamarcus Russell, but a bust nonetheless.