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The game hinges on our offense, as has every ACC game since Clemson. When our defense is on the field against GT’s offense, then I actually think we match up well. We’re strongest on the DL and weaker as we move backward, but that offense is severely limited if the front four on the defense can create pressure.

I absolutely think we’ll given up 2-3 big plays that go for TDs. That’s fine. Stack the box, get GT off the field and give the offense some chances.

The biggest issue with playing GT is that they’re clock eaters. We can’t go hurry up offense, 3 and out and stick the defense out there for another long, grind them out possession. If we do that, we’ll lose, no matter how good the defense plays.

The offense is going to have to produce, and we’re going to have to find some semblance of a run game. We’ve effectively abandoned it in the last few weeks and have become fairly one dimensional on offense. We need balance, some long scoring drives, and we need to punch some scores in for TDs.

This game is a toss up. Wake is the must win. We can’t play UNC at the end of the year with everything on the line.