Reply To: Non-Wolven College Football (25 October)

Home Forums StateFans Football Non-Wolven College Football (25 October) Reply To: Non-Wolven College Football (25 October)


@wufpacker… you can’t roast oysters without something to wash with… for plenty of folks at a good oyster roast the consumption of cold beer far exceeds that of the mollusks..

Most people will eat a dozen or less.. but then there’s always handful of guys who’ll eat a peck a piece…

… and I most always have five pounds of 16-20s shrimp on hand for those who just don’t…

fwiw… women eat oysters too…

So you should mix in just fine…

Just GOTT a email from a Tarhole buddy… who suggested that his Holes are doing a such fine job of roasting themselves that little room for improvement has been left for the rest of us….

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