Reply To: Wednesday … the NEW Friday!!

Home Forums All StateFansNation Wednesday … the NEW Friday!! Reply To: Wednesday … the NEW Friday!!


…Ok… I GOTT it… ya’ll are saying that your Basketball Coach started this AFAM thing JUST for the Football team back in ’92…. after Coach Mack Brown led them to 9-3 season and the Peach Bowl… right?

and LOIC ?? not a chance in hell of that…. as stated above… “NOTHING” could be further from the truth….

and in the Sad but True category… this… there was no “NEW” information included the Weistein Report… nothing that would not be considered common knowledge up and down Tobacco Road among sports-knowledgeable alums from any Big Four School…

I give the Heels about 2-3 days of wailing, gnashing of teeth, sackcloth and ashes BEFORE the anti-NCAA reform crowd blows them off the front pages….

#NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!