Reply To: State Loses at Louisville, 30-18

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I know this is a off topic but I was wanting to know if there is any truth behind the timing of when the coaching staff or the university learned about what had transpired in regards to (butAlston, Fernandez, Justin Jones, Josh Jones, McKever, Ramos and Stevens)the players involved in the incident that warranted their 1 game suspension? I had heard that the university was made aware of the situation with these players on a Monday or Tuesday the week of the Boston College game? If this is the case why not suspend these players for the BC game and not against the cardinals? Maybe someone could throw some light on this so I may get a better understanding.

I thought suspending these players probably will not teach them a thing and would only hurt the team and the outcome of the game. But I guess letting your teammates down has a long lasting impact that those players will have to live with. That works for me.