Reply To: Wednesday … the NEW Friday!!

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Most damning to me so far:

For the purposes of their review, the Experts defined unoriginal content as content of a paper that was taken verbatim from other sources as opposed to having being written by the student. Their full report is attached at Exhibit 35 but their top-level findings are as follows:
? In over 40% of the 150 papers (61 papers), 25% or more of the text was deemed unoriginal.
? In 17% of the 150 papers (26 papers), 50% of the text was deemed unoriginal.
Of those 61 papers with 25% or more of unoriginal content, the average grade was a 3.69 (or almost an A-).

As I take it, this was the “originality analysis” that Wainstein asked external experts to do on a sampling of papers provided for these classes before their grades were assigned by Crowder.