Reply To: State Loses at Louisville, 30-18

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Ummm, sorry, but TOB had at best a mediocre performance with two NFL starting QBs and some decent defensive players. With Pete Thomas (4 TDs 9 Ints) Ain’t no way we would have had a win last year, and JB would NOT have transferred to State and just who in heck do you think would be playing QB this year? TOB wouldn’t even have 4 wins this year. I’ll pose that he wouldn’t have 4 wins in the two years. Nope, ain’t no way I’m buying that load of …

Yogi, Why don’t you tell us what you really think? 🙂 I hadn’t thought about it but I think you might be right. 4 wins in 2 years, 24 games, without a conference win is about right.

But let’s stay in the present and worry about winning a couple of conference games this year and being bowl eligible.