Reply To: NC State Football By The Numbers – Post Clemson Edition

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“Scoring Offense: 33.7 (6, 51)
Total Offense: 447.3 (4, 44)”
Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t there 14 teams in our conference and 125+/- in the FBS? Let’s not make it worse than it is, okay? We are above average in offense according to the numbers. This is a significant improvement over last year. Go ahead, let’s hear the “yes, but’s” if you have to make State worse than it is.

“Scoring Defense: 28.5 (13, 83)
Total Defense: 396.2 (13, 68)”
We are not good, not even close to being good. IOW we are bad. I’d like to think we are struggling. Unfortunately there is no one player like QB that can turn the defense around. No scheme makes offenses beatable. About all I know of that makes any real difference is an infusion of players who are, to use an old cliché, agile, mobile and hostile.

IMO About the best we can hope for is that the defense is not really this bad but has been “struggling” and will find itself in the next few games.