Reply To: SEC Culture Is Just Special… Dammit

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Couldn’t disagree more. The premise of the article isn’t “we stink because we can’t rush the field”. It’s more we stink, so let us have fun. I’ve tailgated pre-restrictions and post restrictions. I’ve never been involved in any sort of violent activity whatsoever. I never even saw violent activity till that day in 03. Given, that was a horrific situation, but no one who had anything to do with NC State did that.

Your points fall a bit shallow in regards to CJ Leslie. The thing is, in those situations PEOPLE DO THE RIGHT THING. If it wasn’t CJ, it was someone else. And look what it got us, all the free publicity we could ever have from the “Roll Pack” situation. People setup up all the time.

I’ve not heard of a single accident taking place in Oxford.

Increased police presence? We’ve seen plenty of cops pretty much everywhere. They’ve been nothing but respectful to us and vice versa. There are jerks in every crowd and I see them getting carted away all the time.

Field rushing is a sign of inferiority. “We’re not supposed to be here and holy shit we did it”. Agreed. But until we’re Alabama, I’d love to revel in a victory instead of being tazed.