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With the caveat that my responses are expectations (not guarantees) based on what we’ve seen thus far, and that most of the questions are subjective, with a baseline expectation. I’ve found my expectations and definition of ‘reasonable’ can sometimes vary widely from those of some posters:

Will NC State be emotionally ready after a hard-fought FSU game?
Yes. Team appears to be ticked off and eager, not despondent. I attribute this to the coaches and the coach/player relationships, the team culture being cultivated, and the player leadership provided by Brissett and others.

How will the young NC State team handle a hostile Death Valley? May effect them early, as they adjust to the noise and ‘atmosphere’. If so, I don’t expect it long lasting.

Will the offensive line be able to hold of Clemson’s experienced front 7? Will Clemson fake injuries? I expect the OL will hold their own. Neither side will dominate overall, both will dominate in stretches.

Is Deshaun Watson that good or was UNC’s defense that bad? He’s good, potentially great. But not THAT good. u*nc’s defense (and intra-squad division) played a big roll in that gaudy performance.

Can NC State’s defense make enough plays to keep the pressure off of the offense? Define ‘pressure’? The offense is expecting to have to shoulder a large part of the burden, going in. I expect something similar to last week’s game from the defense, but with the performance factor shifted higher. I’m expecting/hoping our D coaches can throw in a few things to exploit the inexperience of true freshman QB. Watson ain’t Winston. The defense will make their plays, but so will Clemson. I’ll put the over/under of Clemson points at 34.5. Pace of game, number of plays is a factor.

My biggest conern is Watson running the ball. Both from designed plays and scrambling. This has very very bad potential for the Wolfpack. Flashed of Woody Dantzler in CF bad.

Will NC State be able to score 40+pts for the 5th game in a row? Yes, assuming NC State is permitted to dictate the flow w/o excessive injuries. Basing this not just on the quality of offense, but on the expected number of plays from the offense.