Reply To: The Wildwolf/Wildcat: Weigh in with thoughts and opinions

Home Forums StateFans Football The Wildwolf/Wildcat: Weigh in with thoughts and opinions Reply To: The Wildwolf/Wildcat: Weigh in with thoughts and opinions


My take on the Wolfcat – offense has 10 players to block 11 (the ball carrier is the 11th). When you take the QB and split him wide, essentially you are now 9 on 11. now add to the fact we have not thrown out of the formation, the D can now put 8 or 9 in the box.

Until we throw and throw more than once to say we have done it, the formation will not be effective. The numbers just dont allow it. If this is a great formation, others would be using it also, but I think others realize playing 9 on 11 does not work.

Last comment – this formation might work if one team has superior talent and simply more speed to get around the corner. OT, Dayes, Samuels, and even Cherry and Underwood can make a difference but they are not superior to the teams we will see from here out.